
One master, dragons, magical sword..

The small group of four continued their journey; the quiet tension was palpable as the only sounds between them were the clinking of weapons and their boots hitting the ground. The chat was light, though it never lasted. Garrett and Arawn walked ahead, leading the way, while Evanna and Ronan were behind, glancing at their surroundings. 

Ronan appeared warier in the company of the two elves before them, and the long grass towering over them made him jump at the slightest of sounds. Now, Evanna knew why Direwood forest had such strange creatures like the giant insects. She would not be surprised to find them there. She scanned the waves of green around them but was not alerted by anything. 

Though Evanna remained vigilant, her body felt as though someone had smacked her with a hammer. There were no bruises, but invisible ones covered her body. It wasn't just the fighting but the use of her powers to such a great degree. 

"What is that?" 

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