
The Living Dead (1)

**** Content warning for the next few chapters **** 

-          Gore 


Evanna glanced from the Demon Prince to the four rotting bodies standing behind him, holding axes, shields, and wearing helmets with long beards belonging to a kind Evanna thought was long extinct. But from the age of the bodies, it was clear dwarves were still roaming the realm. After meeting a fairy and the faceless, Evanna was now accustomed to peculiar situations and discovering things meant to stay hidden. 

"Evanna, - don't let this elf trick you. Once he gets what he wants, he will throw you away like you're nothing.-" Conrad spoke to her in the northern tongue and glared in Arawn's direction before holding his hand out for her. "- I can help you. -"

Evanna stared at Conrad's outstretched hand, then to his face with her eyebrows pinched together. "-You claim to help by.." She flicked her gaze to the dead dwarves. "-Raising the dead?-"

Next chapter