
Battle of Gods

Cross scratched his stubble and said "I don't suppose you've had a change of heart after 100 years?" Gogros chuckled and said "Nope." Cross sighed and said "Yeah, didn't think so." before bolting back to the castle, Gogros chased after him, while Voldemort went searching for Harry.

Cross arrived at the castle to see a bunch of students recuperating and a ton of dead bodies. Draco was with his parents and Astoria, McGonagall was taking care of the injured students and Luna was holding a backpack with a smile, healing whoever she could.

Cross landed on the ground and said "Everyone get in the castle, now. There's a big ugly-" he was smashed into the ground, by Gogros. The students yelped and Gogros looked over at Luna and said "Hmmm... Another Elf? Seems like your woman eh?"

Cross swept his leg out, hitting Gogros in the chin and sending him flying into the surrounding pillars as he spat out some blood, hopping to his feet and saying "Oi... Ugly ass whatever you are, I'll rip out each of you eyes if you look at my wife again, do you believe it?"

Cross waved his hand and said "Nothing to see here, kids. Just an ugly demi-god. Go inside, shoo, shoo." everyone was swept into the air and thrown into the castle, Luna looked worried and landed softly on her feet in the castle.

Harry ran out and the door slammed shut.

Cross smirked and said "Voldemort is here, looks like a double showdown to me~ Hehe." the surroundings turned to string once more and Cross chuckled "Let's get the party started~" string spikes shot towards Gogros, who waved his hand and burned them to a crisp.

Cross grinned and controlled his strings, making 3 string clones, before using his strings himself and attacking Gogros, while Harry started fighting Voldemort on the side.

Gogros turned into flames and dodged the strings. Cross clicked his tongue and the string spikes turned blue before bursting out of the ground and piercing towards Gogros in every direction.

Gogros jumped into the air and dodged the strings but Cross laughed and said "Is it so simple?" the strings intertwined and chased after Gogros in the air as his clone chased him as well, throwing 'Avada Ultimas' at him.

Cross hummed to himself and was kicked to the side by a Gogros fire clone. Cross jumped back and flipped in the air pointing at the Fire clone "Aquamentus Ultima!" a massive blast of water obliterated the fire clone, but the clone turned into water this time and attacked Cross again.

Two more water clones appeared and attacked Cross with a bunch of dark spells.

"Avada Kadavra!"

"Lumin Cannon!"

"Aquamentus Obliteration!"

Cross grinned as he dodged the spells and threw up a protego before taking in a deep breath and blowing out Ice breath, freezing the clones before shooting strings through them.

The students and Professors were watching from above and were shocked. Harry's fight was relatively normal, but Cross' was too strange!

Cross looked up with a grin but it was not so bright, his clones were obliterated and Gogros was barreling towards him.

Cross reached into his bag and threw out thousands of Galleons, he waved his hand and all the galleons turned into a massive variety of animals, attacking Gogros.

Cross licked his lips and sucked in, he pointed forward and a smokescreen exploded in the group of Animals, just as Gogros shot inside.

Cross opened his mouth and breathed out black fire, his fire breath touched the smokescreen and the smoke ignited, making a massive explosion that was immediately engulfed in black flames.

Cross coughed out black smoke before jumping back as an explosion happened under his feet.

Gogros shot out of the ground with a few burns, Cross quipped "It's true. The uglier you are the harder to kill. I don't think an 'Avada Ultima' will kill you!" Gogros scoffed and said "You're trying to rile me up, it won't work Elf."

Cross spat "Yo Momma's ugly." Gogros shouted "Don't talk about my mother!" and attacked Cross, who chuckled and dodged in the air, whipping his leg out and kicking Gogros in the stomach. Cross grabbed Gogros' horns after he kicked him and went flying before flipping in the air and slamming Gogros in the ground.

The castle trembled and Cross spread out his fingers, 10 strings came out and the tips turned green as he said "Let's test my theory eh? Avada Kadavra!" the 10 strings shot out green beams and hit Gogros.

Cross jumped back and Gogros swiped out with a giant fire sword.

Cross clicked his tongue and grinned nervously "Seems like I was right." Gogros growled and charged at him with the sword, Cross gulped with a grin and said "Hehe, not good."

Before dodging they swipe and leaning back, he put his hands on the ground and flipped backwards, dodging another swipe. Cross dodged all of Gogros' swipes and started to sweat a bit, thinking of a way to kill this monstrosity.

Good news, Harry killed Voldemort and picked up the Elder Wand.

Cross grabbed Harry and threw him into the castle, grabbing the Elder Wand out of his hands and saying "Pardon me, Mate. Let me borrow this yeah?" Harry flew into the castle and Gogros sucked in Voldemort's disappearing corpse.

Gogros grew another arm and wings exploded from his back.

Cross chuckled and gulped as he said "Oh, that's not good.." sure enough 3 more Fire swords appeared in Gogros' hands.

Cross quipped "Unfortunately you're uglier now. I guess you got stronger?" Gogros smashed the four swords at him and Cross jumped away saying "I take that as a yes then. Let's kick things up a notch shall we?"

Cross' body glowed orange and he started moving faster, he pointed the Elder Wand forward and shouted "Chronostasis!" Gogros stopped for a moment before moving again, Cross chuckled nervously and said "Hah.. Just a joke. What I meant was STOP!"

A giant hourglass slammed into Gogros and stopped him, Cross let out a breath and held his hands together, throwing the Elder Wand to a clone. All 3 clones mimicked Cross and held their hands together.

Cross pulled his hands apart and a dark green ball grew in between his hands. They all shouted in unison "Avada Obliteracy Ultima!" The balls turned so dark green they were almost black, before they exploded with intense beams of concentrated magic, shooting towards Gogros, who broke free from the Time Stop and blocked in ever direction with his arms.

A massive explosion occurred.

Cross' string clones came back and went into his body, while the Elder Wand was thrown into his Storage bag.

Cross backed off from the explosion and sighed as he said "For fuck sakes.." right after, loud obnoxious laughter was heard.

Cross rubbed his face and slapped his cheeks as he said "Is it really so bad to die? Just do it.. please? For me?"

Everyone above slapped their foreheads and Luna giggled nervously, biting her nails.

Gogros laughed and said "Foolish boy! Thank you for helping me take the last step!" Cross cursed "Fuck! Fucking bastard! You slimey disgusting cunt! You fucking used me?!..." Cross kept spouting out curses and Gogros choked on his monologue, while the rest above started whispering "Professor has quite the vocabulary.."

McGonagall coughed and glared at the kids as she said "Do not repeat these words understand!?" the students nodded and looked back at the fight.

Cross stomped his foot and shouted "You slippery cunt! Even if you're a god, you'll die today! I swear!" everything turned into strings and became black with strange black wisps coming off them.

Cross spread out his arms and a single spike engulfed him, when Cross came out his was dressed in black string battle armor. Though he didn't have a helmet.

Cross said insanely "Let's see if gods bleed today! I won't die until I know!" as he pointed forward, the black strings shot forward and pierced towards Gogros, Cross himself shot forward and clawed at Gogros, strings trailing from his fingers.

Gogros got slashed by the strings while dodging the spikes. He started bleeding from the wounds and said "Impossible!" Cross laughed wildly and said "What god?! You're just a fucking joke!"

Anti-Magic strings twisted together and formed a lance in his right hand while his other hand stayed the same.

Cross grinned and pierced his lance towards Gogros, who dodged but he also had to dodge the spikes coming for him from all sides.

Gogros charged at Cross instead, and Cross sank into the strings, dodging as the strings collapsed on Gogros, forming a tight ball. Cross threw the lance through the ball and waved his hands, spikes flew up and pierced the ball in every direction.

Cross grabbed the air and pulled, the string ball tightened and exploded. Cross' eyes flashed and a helmet appeared just before he got punched in the face and sent flying into the Castle walls.

Gogros came out of the explosion, covered in blood. Cross blew up the wall and floated in the air on his strings as he said "Why won't you die! Don't you know I have a class soon? I'm gonna be late. For fuck sakes... Fucking gods.."

He stretched his hand out and a giant mace with a long hexagonal shaped top appeared. The top was almost as long as the handle and had spikes coming out of it on every surface. Cross took out the Elder Wand and put it inside the Mace.

The mace glowed and let out a menacing aura. Cross was plated in the black armor with a three horned helmet as he rested the mace on his shoulder and said "You should've stayed in the gross hole you came out of. Ugh, even looking at you disgusts me. Has your mother ever heard of abortion? If I had an ugly cunt like you, I'd let you loose in the woods."

Gogros trembled in rage and roared before teleporting in front of Cross, who swung the mace and smashed Gogros right in the head as he said "As the Americans say, Homerun!" Gogros blasted through the air like a rocket, smashing into the bridge and making a massive hole.

Cross stepped out and said "Ah, fuck! Now I have to clean that up!" McGonagall rubbed her forehead and sighed, while the younger students laughed and cheered. Luna sighed and rubbed her stomach anxiously, she was strong, but not strong enough to help him, which made her extremely upset.

Cross teleported to the air and slammed his mace towards nothing, but Gogros appeared swinging a sword. The weapons clashed in the air and blew a massive shock wave in all directions. Cross and Gogros backed off before Cross shot towards Gogros and swung his mace, pushing back Gogros.

Gogros growled and his four arms grabbed the air, a massive black fire sword appeared and he swung it, sending Cross flying back into the castle walls. Gogros chased him and swung again, Cross held his mace up and blocked the sword slash.

Behind him were all the students and teachers, but more importantly, Luna. Cross was panicking as Gogros kept getting stronger, what the fuck was this monster?!

Gogros cackled and said "You and everyone behind you will die! Zehahahahahahaha!" Cross was slowly losing but then he heard a voice "Elven prince... Use me..." Cross roared and pushed Gogros back before smashing him back a few feet as he stood on the castle in front of the students.

The sword of Gryffindor flew out of Neville's hands and merged into Cross' mace handle. Cross roared and the castle started changing around. The students were pushed back and the towers started moving.

Cross pulled to be pulling the world as he threw a fist forward, the Castle towers flew through the air and smashed into Gogros, smashing him down into the courtyard. Cross pointed the mace at Gogros and said "Infinite Annihilation!" a beam of Anti-Magic shot forward and slammed into Gogros' body.

Gogros let out a pig butchering scream and said "You can't ki-" Cross teleported in front of him and his entire mace was covered in Anti-Magic.. Magic as he smashed the Mace on Gogros repeatedly saying "Fuck you and you're trash monologue! Just die already! Die! Die! Die!"

Gogros couldn't speak and was smashed to a pulp by Cross' mace, his arms were destroyed, his legs were destroyed, his torso was destroyed, only his head was left. Gogros said weakly "Th-" Cross smashed his head and shouted "WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD YET!? STOP MONOLOGUING, I DON'T CARE!"

Cross was really pissed as he smashed his mace into Gogros' head over and over again until it was a bloody pulp. Cross looked at his work and nodded in satisfaction but Gogros made a noise and Cross smashed him again in disbelief, it couldn't be that he had to listen to his monologue right?

Cross blew out black flames and burned Gogros' body, smashing the ashes for good measure afterwards. He waited around for a minute, maybe his soul had something to say? Thankfully, Gogros was truly dead this time, maybe he could tell his monologue in hell.

Cross let out a breath and sat down on the ground, exhausted, as the castle reverted back to normal and the doors opened. Letting everyone out and they rushed to the courtyard to see the damage.

We can rebuild him! Better, faster, stronger! We have the technology!

*A Half-Machine Power Stone rose to the top that day*

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts
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