
Karma Is A Bitch

"B-brother, why did you suddenly visit us? You should have call us that you're coming."

"Oh, you seem unhappy to see me."

"N-No, not at all."

Lu Xinghan's palms were starting to form beads of sweat. He was very nervous.

What did his brother want from him? Maybe he discovered what his daughter did? But he thought no one knew that his daughter colluded with Lan Xing to hurt Lu Jingyi.

Since because his brother didn't come find him or his daughter for the past few week, he thought no one knew and the matter can be forgotten.

He was afraid he would send his daughter to jail and also afraid for them to find out he and his wife helped Lu Jingshan in buying drugs.

Gulped. His brother's gaze were so cold and he felt like he could freeze anytime.

"Let's sit down and talk. All of you."

Father Lu proceeded to sit at the sofa and crossed his leg. He looked like a king wanting to watch a good show.

"What are you all standing there? Sit down."

"O-oh, okay."

All three of them then sat down with an indescribable face they had.

Father Lu looked at their expression before continuing to talk. He then took out a document and slammed it on the tea table.

"Take a look at it and tell me what do you think of it."

Lu Xinghan took the document and looked at it. The more he read, the more pale his face was.

Father Lu saw his pale expression and started to smirk.

"So, what do you think?"

"I-I.....This can't be real. My daughter would never do something like this."

"Oh, really?"

Lu Jingshan was startled when she heard her name. She felt like it was done for. That bitch, did she sell her out?

Father Lu then took the document and passed it to Lu Xinghan's wife and daughter to look at it.

Both of them had the same expression with Lu Xinghan but Lu Jingshan expression was even more pale than ever.

It's over.

"My dear niece, why do you look so pale? Could it be that what the document written is true?"

Lu Jingshan then knelt in front of Father Lu and denied. Her uncle loved her, he wouldn't think that it's her.

"Uncle, it's not me. I swear. I did not do something like that and I would never. Why would I hurt my cousin? She and I are like sisters. I don't have any reason to hurt cousin. Uncle, you have to believe me."

"Jingshan, I watched you grew up with Jingyi. Why did you do this?"

Father Lu expressed his disappointment towards Lu Jingshan. He never thought his own family was trying to harm his daughter.

He will not forgive them.

"I'm so disappointed in you all. Why did you do this to Jingyi? Jingyi didn't do anything to you guys. If you want to fight, fight me instead. Don't touch my daughter!!"

Father Lu was furious. If his daughter didn't know martial art or Mo Zhexuan came late in rescuing her, he could have lost his daughter.

The three of them was shaking inside. They never seen Father Lu livid before. When he's angry, all of them didnt dare to look him in the eyes.

Father Lu then stood up and get ready to leave. Before he left, he dropped 'a bomb' on them which made them lose their freedom.

"I will send this document and evidence to the police station and let them deal with you guys."

After that, Father Lu walked out. Lu Jingshan then burst out in tears. Lu Xinghan and his wife were standing rooted to the ground with pale white faces.

They had their retribution. Karma is a bitch.

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