
Two Lord Vs A Legendary

Chapter 24

Two Lord Vs A Legendary



Shockwave was created but this time it was weak.

And the culprit is a shining pokemon with green skin and prismatic color parts.

Mega Rayquaza.

"QUUUAAAAA!!!!!" With a roar that shook the whole continent, Rayquaza's mouth glowed in white.

"ROAAAAARRR!!!" Charizard is not to be understimated with, his roar although can't shook the continent has the same loudness.

Venusaur on the otherhand didn't roared. Atop the plant on his back are white light gathering.

Charizard flew forward intending to attack and cover up the move that Venusaur is using.

But sadly, you are fighting a past human.

Rayquaza released his pent up anger.


Charizard just opened his mouth as pillar of flame rushed forward.

But he understimated the Hyperbeam.


Two powers collided but the white beam continued.


Charizard eyes widen in horror but he is too late to dodge.


Flying away stumbling, and on his mouth are smokes that keep rising with eyes turned white, Charizard is knocked out.


An extraterrestrial like sound ripped through the air as Rayquaza saw a huge ball of light heading to him in high speed.


He want to dodge it but it was too fast.


The sound of something burning resounded as the sphere of light enveloped Rayquaza.

"QUAAA!!!!!" A cry of pain resounded.


After the smoke had been gone, the majestic green serpent is gone and obliterated.

The Executive can't believe it.

As much as he want to help, he was too shocked and immersed that he forgot it.

Their savior is obliterated.



The sound of wings flapping resounded and a sharp looking man landed.

"What happened, why are there two giant pokemon there" The man asked looking at the knocked down Charizard and the Venusaur.

"Did they fight?" He added while looking at Venusaur coldly.

"S-Sir!" The Executive called out then there he noticed it become dark.

"H-Huh?" The Executive turned his head in the sky and there he saw thousands of flying pokemon flying that they began to overshadowed the whole place.

"I called the other cities to send help" The man said then he glanced at the right.


Another man landed, now it's a bald bulky man.

"What happened why is there a Lord Pokemon there knocked out?" The Bulky man asked.




Three persons landed after another.

The Executive wanted to kneel at the 5 figure in front of him but he forced his mouth to speak.

"S-Sir the Charizard is the leader of the Army and when it attacked us w-with a giant beam of fire... A large green serpent suddenly came in and protected us from it by sending its own attack.."

"Then they fought and after that, the green serpent is near winning when the Venusaur suddenly barged in, dragging Charizard away to save it"

"After that the green serpent fought with the two Giant and he managed to defeat one but.... He was obliterated to dust" The Executive said with solemn voice at the end.

The 5 figure stared at him for a bit before glancing at each other.

"Rayquaza" They simutaneously said.

"Hmm... Do you think we can take down the remaining one?" The bulky man asked.

"Heh why do you think we are called as Champions?" The fourth figure, A man with yellow hair and red eyes that look like a battle maniac said as a pokeball suddenly appeared in his hand.

The first figure smiled as his hand instantly travelled to his pokeball.

"Let the fun begin"


Ditto is not dead.

He didn't know why how he survived but he survived anyway.

Since Rayquaza is defeated, Ditto came back to his original form landing from a high spot. Luckily he is a slime so nothing happened when he landed from high places.

Transforming into a mew, he flew towards a tree and peeked from there to see what Venusaur is doing.

Venusaur is not doing anything and just standing but he is slowly turning to the wall.

"Why are they so keen on destroying the wall?" Mew asked, looking at what left of the army of pokemons after three titan clashed together.

Their leader is knocked out so they are now cowering for fear of Venusaur attacking them.

Venusaur is not their leader afterall.

Teleporting near the Venusaur, Mew can't help but gawk at its big body.

"So damn big" Mew exclaimed covering his mouth with his hand.




Sounds of something or an army of something is ripping through the air making Mew to look at what it is.

Stunned, Mew can't believe that the trainers had guts.

An army of trainers on their pokemon flying in the air is sending thousand and thousands of attacks.

"VEEEEEENNNUU" Venusaur yelled in pain as he shielded his body with the thousand of attacks coming by using the vine whips.

Usually to take down a Gigantamax pokemon you need a group of trainers with the level of a champion. Yeah in pokemon sword and shield it was like that, a raid or so they call the battle of them on a Gigantamax.

A Gigantamax if appearing always have the sky as purple and black colored cloud usually appeared but this pokemon seems to have none.

Swoosh swooosh.



Venusaur become angry at how the ants attack hurt like hell. Opening its mouth, Venusaur send a barrage of large hard seed heading to the wall.


The first champion frowned.

"Leave the attack go and do a defense" He yelled.

The bulky man glanced at the other champions as they glanced at each other. They seem to have an understanding when they have done an eye contact.

Riding a huge Pidgeot, the bulky man flew away with 4 pokemon tagging along.

They are the other champions pokemon.


Mew frowned.

Those barrage of seeds number are increasing as time goes by and they won't be able to defend if this go on.

Sighing, Mew turned slimy as Ditto are planning to change to Rayquaza again.


The Executive is worried by the barrage of large seeds when he suddenly heard something.


That familiar sound.

The Executive feel like crying.

"You are back green serpent" He murmured.