
53. Beautiful Rejection

Alice was trying to arrange the perfect word to describe what she had in mind. She wanted to make this as clear as possible. She only hoped that James would understand what she meant. It needed trust to each other, she should open and confess her feeling and either did him.

"What I wanted to say was, we should utter our feeling and thought that we had in mind. Because I felt that we are in the same position right now,"

She blunted to him and eyed James, waited for the reaction. He kept that in mind but he also understands what it took to make this plan worked out. He should do something that he never wanted to do. It took many years to finally being honest with Ed, and now he should tell her what happened in his life with someone that he had met less than a couple of months.

"You felt that we are in the same position?" James tried to catch the meaning behind it.

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