

Jackcy's Point Of View, 

I was so happy for him, he finally got his tender and his hard work paid him off, I just want to express how happy I was but Lissa and Alesso were also there so I just controlled myself, 

"Okay so you can ask me one thing and I will fulfil it for you", he said and I just got so happy, Lissa and I shared a look and Lissa said something and I just got it what she said, I also want that, it is been so long now, Luther already started shaking his head, but I was nodding it, 

"Jackcy, not this, you can for something else but not this", said Luther but Lissa and I looked at him with sheepish smile, 

"We want this only, come on Luther, it is been long we did not go anywhere so why do not we go out tonight, it would be too much fun", said Lissa and I also nodded my head with her, 
