
Chapter 1: "I diced"

Hazukashi oroka wakes up and finds herself in a black "room" which is filled with 3 dimensional moving shadows as she has looked closer she saw a galaxy pattern on them ,




After she calmed down a little she thinks about what happened

she remembers that she stood against humanity's dismiss

the legendary truck

she remembers that she was on the sidewalk and there was the image of a truck front

'wow' she was blankly disappointed about her death

she died from a very overused cliche,

but she tried and gave the thoughts no more

she slowly rewinding her life :

Haru , her friends always called her that ,she had black hair and black eyes with a normal height for her age ,

was in the last year of middle school and was a lazy person who joked around with a little under the average grades

and here she is and asked herself 'what the f***'

suddenly a ominous voice that sounds ancient ,

called out for her

^little stupid you're my successor ^

" come to the point "said she with a shivering in her voice although she was excited , because she was not sure if it was she thinking so she wants to make it sure

the person who called for her was a someone in rags that black with the galaxy pattern ,behind him was big throne

well he came out of the weird mass and continues to talk

^you are gonna be the Reeper of the night sky

and have there for the power of a Grand Grim Reeper ^

°○° "haru

for real , so I'll become something super cool!!!

^yes , something godlike , I diced you out ^

?! What ? a God or whatever, was just random diced !

she is hearing something unbelievable

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