

He then flew faster, and I followed him right behind.

Our elevation rose more and more, and I saw a small plateau at where the slope ended, and there were a lot of people there. The line still continued yet there were more people that walked around and formed crowds. There were also a lot of buildings and stalls, and it looked like there was an open market over there.

Lily and I would have had to go and pass over through that massive number of people before we might be able to get around the capital, but with the help of this guy we just got access to flight.

We flew higher and higher, before reaching one of the large rock sprouts that leaned towards the side, and this one was a bit closer to one of the four largest pillars that surrounded the whole mountain.

"There's my place over there." Haelus pointed to somewhere at the distance, but since we were still at a distance, I was still not able to see.

Next chapter