
8. Eww As If

With my head slumped against the car window I go to adjust my outfit, wanting a new change for myself at school I decided to not wear my usual clothes.

Going to a new school will give me a chance to change a little bit about myself, so I thought I would start with something simple.... my clothes.

Now don't get me wrong my style is AMAZING, I just wanted to be a little bit more oh I don't know.... Girly?

Dressed in black tight shorts and an Emerald green long sleeve crop top I went a little out of my comfort zone.

Pulling down my shorts a little bit more I wiggle in my seat, yesterday's events play through my mind like a movie in the Cinema.




My eyes are wide, frantically they look towards the other two voices, Nick and Lima Bean.

'Well I understand Nick but her? She can get over herself and that stupid little crush of hers!' Jerking my head back towards the teacher I step towards him.

"I'm sorry, but I prefer to work alone.... and I ESPECIALLY won't work with-..." my words drift off as I turn to look at him.

My eyes scan him as I give him a once over, grimacing in disgust I carry on, "-... someone not as good as me."

Mr. Gee starts to laugh clapping his hands he motions towards Nick , "well actually.. he's currently our best dancer ", smiling towards the teacher I reply.

"Yeah don't worry, I'm here now!", some of the students gathered around start to laugh, behind me I hear a scoff, turning to see no other then the boy himself.

"Yeah well I won't work with Twinkle Toes over here, she can't seem to keep herself standing up! Besides I already have a partner."

He glances over to Lima Bean who is looking at the teacher with a pout,

He starts to Laugh loudly at my earlier mishap.

"Well at least I don't go throwing other people's hats off their head!"

My arms cross over my chest as I put a smirk on my face.

"Says the one-..!

"Okay MR. I Can-...!

Cutting is both off Mr. Gee replies "You see THIS is exactly why I paired you two together, LOOK AT THAT CHEMISTRY... now turn it into dancing and I think you could make the most Powerful Duo! So she is your NEW partner, end of discussion!"

Turning towards each other I roll my eyes at him, his tongue sticks out as he pulls as face.


Groaning I bang my head onto the window a couple of times, trying to get rid of the stupid memory.

"Alright! Out girls, I will pick you up later"

Motioning towards the school mom carries a big smile on her face.

"Byeeeeee MOM! Love you."

Kay swings the door open, her short dress flows behind her as she jumps out.

'Yeah she has WAYYYY too much energy for a Friday', thinking this I watch her,

Turning towards my mom that is waiting for me to leave.

"So mom...-"

-..."do I real-..."

"Get out! You're not skipping school, you're going!"

"FINE WHATEVER!  But I'm gonna head straight to practice after school from now on."

The door swings open as I step out, shutting the door I begin to walk, my mom honks the horn twice indicating that she is pulling away, making me laugh in the process.

The double doors of the school are open wide, confident in my walk I strut through the halls, my time table held tightly in my hand.

Glancing down I look at my classes.

1. Study hall

2. Dance

3. Free dance

4. PE/ 1st lunch

5. 2nd lunch

6. Science

7. Math

Having aced English and Government already I didn't need to take it for the rest of the school year, looking at the room number I go to my designated period.

Stopping infront of the library I was a bit hesitant to open the door, taking a deep breath I bring out my courage to swing the door open.

As soon as I step on all of the students eyes were on me, scanning my eyes across the room my eyes land on a group of girls.

Lima Bean was sitting amongst them, all of them huddled together, their eyes glance over towards me as they whisper to themselves, not quietly at all.

"That's the one who went head to head with Niki!"

Giggling as they all turn to look at me, I jerk my head forward and scrunch my mouth to show my teeth as if saying 'WHAT!'

Turning back towards each other they lean in continuing to whisper,

"I heard-...."

"They made her and Niki-...."

"She's not even that pre-...."

"I bet you she can't even da-..."

Rolling my eyes I go to take a seat at one of the empty tables as they continue to laugh, no doubt about me.

"Bitches can't seem to keep my name out of their mouths, like always all bark no bite",

Smirking to myself I quietly pull out my chair, glancing up I see one of the girls poke their head around another girl whose back is facing me.

She gives me a once over, a rude look evident on her face, 'gonna have to go back to the mean y/n if they keep this shit up'.

Rolling my eyes I bring my hand up, she gives me a curious look As I smile at her, quickly flicking her off, shouting out a quick "What Bitch?" As I'm at it.

The girl scoffs in shock quickly moving her head to hide behind the other girl, 'I swear if one more persons stupidity makes me roll my eyes again I'm afraid they're gonna get stuck up there'.


The bell rings for first period to be over, quickly grabbing my stuff I bolt out of the library, heading towards the dance room I feel some eyes on me.

'Yayyy just like my last school'  sighing out as I drown out the whispers and looks of both boys and girls.

My hand is placed on the knob of the door, my body flings to the side vigorously as someone's shoulder hits my own, knocking my body to the side.

Catching my balance I scoff, turning my head towards the person I see it's Nick, he gives me a mocking look.

"Oops! Im SOOO sorry" dragging out his words his bottom lip juts out into a fake pout, 'oh hell no, I don't think so!'.

Using all my strength I quickly knock my shoulder against his, caught off guard he slips and falls to the floor.

Bringing my hand up I place it on my mouth, taking in a deep breath I fake a gasp,

"OH MY GOSH! I didn't see you there..... I am SOO sorry."

Pushing out my lips I make a sad face, turning around I push open the door, not paying attention to him I hear him shout some words.

Quickly I turn my head towards him while walking through the door, "At least now you're where you belong-..."

His face scrunches up in confusion as he watches me walk away, "-...At the bottom!",

Sending him a wink I shut the door on him, I can hear his loud shouts of protest through the closed door.

Laughing to myself I go towards the mirror to start my warm up.

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