
Snatching Job

Sabrina took deep breaths when she was done with singing and for the last time she searched the crowd but wasn't able to find that familiar face. Everyone applauded Sabrina's singing and started filling the old beggar's bowl with money one by one.

"Do we have to come again to hear the whole story?" Asks the little girl, holding the hem of Sabrina's dress.

"Yes, my dear. The girl is on a journey right now, you wouldn't want to miss what happens on her journey?" she smiles, looking at her and the girl skips back towards her mother, happily. Turning back she waves her hand at Sabrina and holds her mother's hand and walks away. Sabrina keeps waving back to her small retrieving figure. Slowly the crowd disperses, leaving Sabrina alone. She bids her goodbye to the old beggar while he prays well for her before she leaves.

Sabrina was walking on the sidewalk and thinking about what possibly could have happened with David that he couldn't come. Was it something very serious? Or did he actually acknowledge that he was wasting his time with her?

Thinking of the last possibility actually hurt her but she shakes her head, considering that it was for the best after all. She didn't want him wasting his time like that when he could be out there searching for a nice job and making his family proud.

She entered the Korean restaurant where she worked and was surprised when she saw someone wiping the tables clean. Her heart almost stopped.

Did her bald Korean boss fire her? Was it for the same reason her other boss warned her about? How is she going to find another part-time job this soon now?! She pulled on her hair, thinking about the situation.

She decides to talk to her boss first before she panics to death, she'll ask him to give her another chance and maybe he will, considering her situation.

"Hey, you are late today." Her head jerks towards the man in uniform who was wiping the tables earlier. Her body stiffens when she sees him.

"You! What are you doing here!" She stomps towards him.

"Well, it's my first day at the job-"

"What job? This is my job!" Sabrina snatches away the table cloth in his hand. "Where's the boss?" David hesitantly points his finger to the back side room and she glares at him. "How dare you to snatch my job!" she hisses at him.

"I didn't-"

"And I thought you were going to be by the bridge... I waited for you and you were here taking over my job!"

"Oh, Sabrina you are here, teach the new guy everything." Says the bald-Korean-boss, coming towards the counter table. Sabrina forcefully puts back the table cloth on the table and moves towards her boss or ex-boss.

"But boss I didn't do anything why did you fire me?" She cries and her boss gives her a pointed look. "I can even speak Korean and know everything then why?"

"ani, naegahaji anh-assda."

"You didn't?"

"No, I didn't."

"Oh... But then why him?" Her boss heaves a sigh and rubs his face with his hands before looking back at her.

"He begged and cried and what not but I couldn't disagree when he told me about-"David appears next to the boss and clamps his mouth shut with his hand while the boss protests.

"Okay, that'll be enough. Let's go, you need to teach me stuff." He unclasps his mouth and holds Sabrina's hand in his and runs towards the backdoor to the kitchen, taking her with him while the boss mumbled curses.

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