
The Secrets Of This Palace

"Okay, I meet them!" Nov Lam swallows the anti-magic pill from Madame Anita. Queen Hera may have used her hypnotic skills to lead Nov Lam's thoughts.

"It won't work! The queen's witchcraft does not affect me! But there's no harm in playing around. We'll see! What does the fake queen want?" _

Nov Lam smiled. Suddenly she had a plan. She will work on this fake queen.

"Ha-ha-ha! I will be a loyal servant to you, my queen!" Nov Lam imagines a new job she can do to get close to queen Hera.

"This must be very interesting! Okay!" Nov Lam exhaled his mouth before opening the door. She left the room just as the group arrived at the door of his room.

Hera's bodyguard walked in front, while

The queen walked lightly followed by Mr. Baspati, professor Must and officer Juan.

"Greetings...Your Majesty Queen!"

"Greetings Mr. Baspati!" Nov Lam bent over with his hand caught in the chest.

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