
“Zev's Astonishment” 

The two cats didn't tell Ainsley about this because the girl might not understand. 

Anyway, sacred beasts and legendary beasts might kill other beasts for food, but they would never kill fellow sacred beasts or legendary beasts, no matter how deep the feud was. 

The two cats were ready to exchange fists with the other two feline sacred beasts without risking their lives. 

They might be heavily wounded, but their lives would not be in danger. 

After getting the two cats' reassurance, Ainsley summoned the two cats and immediately let them go. 

The two cats hadn't transformed into their beast form yet, so their small figures were instantly lost in the vast garden. 

Only Zev, the near omniscient and omnipotent spirit saw all of this. 

When he saw the two cats appearing out of thin air and felt the familiar sacred beast aura from the two house cats, Zev was not surprised anymore. 

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