
"Legendary Spirits Next Door" 

Ainsley didn't know that her two cats were already discussing evil plans in secret, wanting to overthrow the cave palace and capture all those beast and plant spirits. 

It was actually normal for the two cats to be like this because there were just too many beast spirits in the cave who were at the same level as Cellino and Bello! 

Even the two cats didn't expect there would be so many sacred beast spirits inside the cave. 

It was as if all sacred beasts who died in this world turned into spirits and entered the cave. 

However, this was not the end because the informant just dropped another 'heavy bomb' on the two cats without noticing. 

"I don't know if this is true or not. Anyway, there are rumors that the domain owner isn't the only legendary beast spirit in this domain." 

The whole domain occupied the mountain range, not just the Sacred Spirit Peak. 

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