
"Femme Fatale Male Version" 

Ainsley thought that the first ancestor would look majestic or a tough guy, just like the usual patriarchal mafia family that Ainsley often saw. 

However, she forgot that, basically, this man might have already found the drop of blood from Asmodeus when he was in his thirties, which was said to be his turning point in life. 

The man soared in strength and developed the Sloan Family to a certain degree within just a few months in his thirties, and it was said in the records that the man looked younger by a whole decade! 

The records didn't say why this happened and only guessed about a fateful encounter that enlightened the first ancestor, or some kind of strange treasure...

But Ainsley was sure these changes should be because of Asmodeus' bloodline. 

Anyone with Asmodeus' bloodline would not become a tough guy-like person, and would not look too masculine. 

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