
"Michael Is Eyeing Ainsley"

Michael knew about this, but he didn't think Heaven and high-level beings would choose Ainsley over anyone in the various mid-level and high-level worlds to awaken the luck manipulation ability! 

This ability was brought by the soul, which means it was Ainsley's innate ability created from her own soul, but even so, for someone in a mid-level world to awaken such an ability... 

Michael didn't believe that high-level beings didn't interfere in this matter. 

The high-level beings couldn't harm the lower-level beings without obeying the strict rules, such as being summoned to the lower-level worlds and such. 

But giving a blessing and other positive things were allowed. 

Of course, the blessed ones couldn't communicate with the higher-level beings which was why the higher-level beings would also not be able to use their blessings to make a mess in those lower-level worlds. 

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