
"A Hidden Key To Success" 

The spirits' strength to destroy the strengthened domain was actually not enough, and even if they did their best, the domain would not collapse like that. 

But what Ainsley wanted was just to create hidden holes and dangers around the Armageddon Domain. 

As for the one who could destroy the entire domain, it should be left to Lucifer and the other demon lords instead of her. 

Ainsley's goal was clear, and the low-level holy spirits started to bite around the domain while brawling with the low-level evil spirits. 

These spirits bit a part of the domain, and it was only a drop in the sea for the Armageddon domain, but it was still a hidden key to success. 

At the same time, Ainsley also commanded some mid-level spirits to pretend not to see the demon army who infiltrated the domain and tried to destroy the domain. 

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