
"Let's Provoke Charles' Close Friends!"

Ainsley instantly snapped out of her muddy mind and squinted her eyes. 

"You mean– let's confront the big guilds directly?" 


"But how do we do that? Challenge the guild leaders to the fighting arena? They won't be so stupid to agree." 

Ainsley wrinkled her nose and felt that she was about to get an epiphany but everything was still foggy. 

It's really the best move to confront the big guilds directly because Ainsley never lacked strength but always lacked political moves and other influences. 

Anyway, she was in a foreign country so what kind of influence could she have? 

Even the Billios Family's influence gere could only cover their specific business, such as the Teleportal. 

And that was also achieved through peaceful cooperation with the big guilds. 

Ainsley wanted the big guilds to stop using small tricks like these and came to confront her directly in the fighting arena. 

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