
"Unraveling The Trump Card"

When Paul heard Ainsley's question, he immediately knew that Ainsley kept him alive because she was sure that he still had a hidden trump card. 

Indeed, it was a trump card, but one that would bring mutual destruction after he was sure that he would die. 

But Paul wanted the trump card to be a surprise for the Slown Family. If he confessed everything now, would it be a surprise? 

Alas, he peeked at Marietta and recalled one of the woman's special abilities. 

It seemed to be...hypnosis? Couldn't she do that to extract information from him too? 

Paul realised that he had to execute his trump card plan immediately. After all, Ainsley would know about his trump card earlier than he expected. 

Thinking like this, Paul touched the gold-crimson ring on his right ring finger, which was a unique form of communication to send a signal to someone who also wore the ring. 

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