
"A Deal"

The youths let Ainsley sit on a small chair directly across their seats. The five people quietly observed each other before Azkar's oldest brother made the first move. 

"So you want to buy drugs from our family. Is it for the high-ranking promotion tournament?" 

Ainsley didn't deny and immediately nodded. 

"I already secured the customer, but I lack the supplier. I know that big bwo and big sis usually only sell drugs to those in high-ranking mafia society, but.." 

Ainsley bit her lips and stayed silent. 

She knew that these people wouldn't steal her customers, but what she was worried about was the fact that they never sold drugs to those outside of their high-ranking circle. 

Would they make an exception? 

Hearing Ainsley's words, Arlin's older brother shook his head and sighed. 

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