
"The Mausoleum's Secret"

Since Zev already agreed with Ainsley's idea, the baby immediately looked at the spirits roaming around the hall with bright eyes. 

Currently, the spirits were talking to each other, and the hall was extremely boisterous. It even looked more like a market than a glorious mausoleum. 

What were the spirits gossiping about? What could it be other than the Godfather? 

One of the young spirits, a rather weak among her peers, couldn't help but squeal as she peeked at the Godfather on the floor. 

[Is that the Godfather?? That legend?? Ahhhh! To think I could see him after I died!] 

[Hush, don't be too loud. The others said that the Godfather is currently injured. Don't disturb him.] 

Another female spirit warned her friend before dragging her away from the area near the Godfather. 

However, at the same time, many other spirits crowded that 'VIP' area with the Godfather at the centre. 

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