
"She's Just A Baby!"

Ainsley and the elders were currently trying to see what happened to Cellino. They had been waiting for a few minutes but couldn't see anything at all. 

As time passed by, Ainsley got even more anxious. 

Maybe I should visit Cellino? Even though I had boosted his luck level so that he wouldn't die, that Pegasus thingy also had heaven-defying luck! 

Ainsley hadn't controlled Vallan's luck level just yet because she's still replenishing the energy spent to boost Cellino's luck. 

However, since the fight between the two didn't seem that it would finish anytime soon, Ainsley got worried once more. 

The baby walked back and forth as she looked at the endless night sky. 

Should I go there now and curse Vallan? Or do I curse him right here...my luck 'domain' can easily cover this whole field. I should be able to control Vallan's luck too! 

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