
Battle Against Time

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The person reporting voiced out with an apologetic tone.

"They are trying to get as many people as possible away! This can ruin our plans of causing a major catastrophe!"

"Activate the nanites now!"

One of the figures commanded.

-"It will take us a few minutes to do so manually since we are no longer using the timer,"

The figure disclosed.

"Speed things up and get it done as soon as possible," One of the dark figures commanded yet again.

-"Yes leader, we will do our best,"

The communication was cut off at this point.

"How in the world did they figure out our ploy?" One of the dark figures voiced with a tone of bafflement.

-"Do we have a mole?"

-"They couldn't have found a way to detect the other dimensional frequency... there is something at play here that we haven't figured out yet,"

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