
Gisodinym Uses A Familiar Ability

Swwhiiii! Shwwhhiii! Swhhiii! Swwwhhii!!

The four tails of the creature came swinging at them in the next instant and with both of them being preoccupied with what they were doing, there was no way to stop this.

Suddenly a muscular lady in orange patterned MBO uniform appeared from above.


She screamed out as she unleashed two fists covered my massive metallic gauntlets while falling from the air.


She slammed into the first tail and propelled herself up with a metallic board that just appeared in mid air.

Bang! Bang! Bam! 

She moved extremely quickly, leaping from place to place as she punched the tails of the Gisodinym away.

It sounded like metal was colliding with another metal as her smooth black metallic gauntlets slammed into Gisodinym tails.

After the crisis had been averted, Gustav's body ttransformed into that of a mixture between the Demonic Bunny and the mutated Boar.

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