
Retrieval Mission

"We let down our guard once with Yung Jo thinking he was on our side when all this time he had been plotting a takeover. It would be unwise to make the same mistake twice," Leader Two voiced out in response. 

"As I said earlier, he had every opportunity to work with Yung Jo and take over the earth but he saved us instead. That is more than enough proof that he will always be on our side," Leader Seven stated.

"Always? People change you know? Who is to say that he won't become a big threat in the future with the potential he has? If he becomes as powerful or even more powerful than Jack, how are we sure we can control him?" Leader Two questioned.

"We don't need to have control over him, the kid is on our side, you don't know him as much as I do," Leader Seven stated once more.

"Or you're just letting sentimentality cloud your reasoning since he is a part of the MBO the same way you advocated for Aimee back then," Leader Two argued.

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