
The Warning, The Giving

It was a normal day in the Artisan Academy, everyone is in classes right now, the teachers are teaching and the Guidance Counselor, Justin, is sleeping on the couch peacefully since there are no delinquent students that he will handle. And I say it is a perfect run for the school since there are no fights going on or reports. It was a normal nap for Justin, until he had a dream that would take place soon.

It was a normal school day, until there were vines growing and it was wrecking the entire school. There are so many students, teachers, and staff running towards the exit, running for their life. It was purely chaos caused by one man with one power. The power to manipulate nine different elements, one of them is Nature which caused the vines to grow and destroy. There is one man walking, the man who caused all of this, he then laughed until there are three people, one is red, one is green, and one is blue, standing towards him, facing him, showing that they are not scared.

That dream made Justin wake up, breathing heavily and scared about that dream. It was not just a dream for him, this is a future vision for him since one of his powers gave him the ability to look through time.

"Oh no." Justin gasped

Justin approached the box and opened it and inside are some jewels, but this time, the pocket watch is glowing red, the ring is glowing blue, and finally the earrings are glowing green. Justin was really surprised and closed it.

"Fred, Sarah, and the last person? Who is it that the earrings chose?" Justin asked himself

He wondered, so for him to know his answer, he took the pocket watch, the ring, and the earrings and left the office.

“The time has come.” He said as he left his office.

It was finally home time and Justin was spying on Fred, Sarah, and Ariana at the locker room. This made all of the three jewels glow their own colors. This made Justin surprised since there are still people but luckily he hid them.

"Well, I have no other choice since the powers chose their owner. But the earrings though." Justin talked to himself

He went near anyone secretly but the earrings did not blinked or glow. This is repeated until he passed Ariana. Once he passed her the earrings glew, meaning that it chose her.

"So Ariana huh? Ok then." Justin talked to the earrings

He finally got the answer on who is the new owner of the neutrality earrings. The question now is, how will Justin give the jewels separately. One thing he knows is that they know their houses, he can use that to an advantage and use it as a plan. As he left the locker room, he took his phone out and he was calling someone.

“Hello, Christine.” Justin said

“Hey, Justin. What is going on?” Christine said

A few minutes passed and Justin was at the office, he told everything to Christine and she understood what she had to do. Meanwhile Justin has to deal with Sarah and Ariana as well. Everything will go according to plan without fail.

“I will see to it that Fred receives that power. I’m trusting you Justin.” Christine said

“Do not worry, I also sent a bird for you to receive the pocket watch, it might be in your room right now.” Justin said

“I’ll take note of that. Have a good day Justin.” Christine said

“You too.” Justin replied as he hung up

Christine, as known as Fred's mother, went up to her room and saw a bird outside the window, holding the pocket watch. Christine opened the window and took the pocket watch.0

"So, my son is now gonna be a new guardian of the genociders pocket watch." Christine talked to herself

She then hid it until Fred came back and slept at night.

At night it was time to execute the plan. Lets go to Fred first:

Christine was peeking at the door if Fred was sleeping. And as expected, he is. She went inside Fred’s room while he was sleeping, so she approached Fred’s bag quietly.

"Hmmm, I hope you slept peacefully Fred." Christine whispered

She arrived quietly at Fred’s bag, she took out the pocket watch and she put it inside of his bag on one of the pockets. Fred was sleeping really peacefully without any distraction and will never get up again. In short, he fell into a deep sleep. Christine was using the door where she entered to escape, and it is now mission accomplished.

"Good luck son, your father will be very proud of you." She said with tears on her eyes

Meanwhile, there is a man with a hunter's cap and a scarf wrapped on his mouth. He also has a parasol for a weapon, standing at the roof of the buildings. He is near Sarah’s house.

"Sarah, I hope the power is right about what it chose, may it protect you. Good luck." He talked to himself

That man is using his parkour skills to descend from the top of the building. A few minutes later, he is now in front of Sarah’s house.

"Now to find an opening." He whispered

He circled around the house for him to see an opening and there was a window from the second floor.

"Ok then, I'm just gonna hope it is her room now." He said to himself

He had to use his skills again to reach the opened window, fortunately, the window is next to a pipe that is connected to the gutter, so he uses that to climb. Unfortunately, he keeps on slipping but at the end he is able to reach the open window. Luckily, it was the window from Sarah’s room and he got in.

"Finally!" He whispered

He approached Sarah’s bed carefully and quietly and he took her hand and took out the ring. Carefully, he inserted the ring from her ring finger, it was a success until she woke up.

"Uh-oh!" He said

Quickly, the man went under Sarah’s bed so he was not detected. He saw her feet and went outside her room. This was an opportunity for him to escape so he got out the bed and quickly went towards the open window. Success.

"Sarah done. Finally, Ariana." He said as he is walking

Finally his last mission is to give Ariana the earrings. He was now at the gate of the mansion. There are security cameras everywhere, it is highly protected. One of the usual things rich people can afford is high security. He also saw security guards roaming around the front door, there is also more on the balcony. He cannot also get on the fence since it is conducted by electricity.

"Now how in the world do I get in?" He asked himself

He looks around the environment and sees a tall building not far from the mansion, so he quickly approaches and climbs the building to the top. Once arrived, he saw a great view from the Mansion. There is also a backyard. The mansion is three stories tall, or it has three floors, but he has no idea where Ariana’s room is.

“Glad I took this.” he said to himself as he took out a folding fan.

“Combine!” he said and he turns into the same man but this time, he has wings.

He walks from the very back and runs towards the mansion and once he is about to reach the edge of the building, he jumps and his wings are spreading and dives down and goes back up, now he is flying. To maintain his height, he is flapping his wings and circles around the mansion.

"Camouflage!" He said and he turned invisible for the guards to see

Using his keen eye, he saw another open window. Once he saw it, he did not see any guards so he dove down and got in the mansion without being seen. He had a safe landing and he folded his wings again.

"Well that is a nice landing isn't it." He said

He was in the hallway this time, he saw two doors in each wall, the first door is just a storage room but the second one is Ariana’s room.

"Finally!" He said

He finally approached Ariana and he saw her earrings on the desk, so he took her earrings and replaced them with the green ones.

"Ariana, I hope the earrings find you good luck and give you protection. I hope the power's decision is correct. Good luck!" He talked to himself

After that, he leaves quietly again and uses the same window to fly away.

"Mission accomplished!" He said

In the morning, Ariana woke up and started to wear the earrings without her noticing the difference, Sarah left the school without her knowing that she is already wearing a ring on her finger. Fred already packed his bag without knowing that the pocket watch was inside. As the trio finally leave their homes, what Justin needs to do is to wait until his vision or his dream came true.

Meanwhile in the dark room, there is a knight look-a-like but he has chakrams for weapons, 6 chakrams, and each represents an element. He is smiling.

“I can smell powers.” He said to himself

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