
The untitled chapter

I wiped away my tears and went back to class, and just as sir aldrin had just arrived, almost all of them were just looking at me like I murdered somone so I just went to my seat. the teacher said.

“Don’t look Kevin like that, let’s start the class.”

I took my notebook and started writing, sir aldrin discussed about a boy who went in a dream named Pepito and was eaten by a monster and never came back to reality.

“Everybody, went to a dream, and nobody has never been in a dream.” I raised my hands slowly.

“What is dream and how do this work?” everyone suddenly laughed at what I asked. sir aldrin replied.

“It’s the imagination in your dream when you’re a sleep, haven’t you ever dreamed Ms. Delro sario?” I simultaneously moved my head right and left. they all burst out laughing and he approached me and announce something at the class.

"Everyone be quiet first. Kevin! Come with me outside." we went out and we talked in front of the door while it was closed. He asked.

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