
Yorkshin City

Soon, a week passed.

During this week Biscuit, I teach Gon and Killua, the basics of the Nen, unlike the Canon, with the help of Biscuit, Gon and Killua did not have to be held by Hisoka for long, so they learned Nen from the normal way during these 7 days.

And with enormous talent, they were soon able to learn it.

"Well, you were able to completely free your Aura Nodes, so what follows now is that you master what I explained earlier" Biscuit said satisfied.

They nodded in understanding, so they soon went to practice Ten and Ren, as soon as possible.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Due to Biscuit's complete training, it took them 6 months, but in just 6 months Gon and Killua fully mastered the basic and advanced ways of using Nen, even Killua is already practicing her Hatsu in secret.

3 months ago, she had seen Gid and Kalluta training, so she was very inspired when she saw how to use electricity from Gid.

Although Hatsu cannot be copied from what they say, that is only because each one has a different way of using her Hatsu, but if one wants to, they can create an ability similar to the other, if they have the ability and the same type

Gid to create his Hatsu based on rays, he had used the Materialization, Transformation and Intensification type, to create an organ similar to eels that allowed him to generate electricity by consuming their vitality, which is what he set as a condition.

Any skill created with Conditions are usually two to three times of the same type and if they have the condition to use vitality or life one, then it would reinforce the user more than 10 times.

That is why Gid's ability could not be replicated by almost anyone, because he had infinite vitality in his body, he could also provide infinite electrical energy with his Nen.

If a normal Nen user were to use this ability, they would probably die in less than 5 minutes.

Then with Gid's warning to be careful with the use of lightning, he also gave him some advice on how to strengthen his Hatsu.

At this time Gon and Killua were about to leave for the island where Gon lived.

"Thank you all for the help during this time, I hope we can see each other again soon" Gon said excitedly.

Killua only nodded slightly, he was not good at goodbyes.

"Don't worry, I think we'll see you very soon" Gid said with a smile, a few days ago Biscuit had heard about the auction about the Greed Island game, so he wanted to go and join together to find a gem called "Blue Planet", During the years that the five of them had traveled the human world, they had found many gems for them, since with Gid's strength it was not difficult to get it, so in these five years that they stopped traveling Biscuit did not care much, after They had all gotten many types of gems and his life would now be very long due to Gid's bodily fluids, but now that he had been able to discover a new type of gem never seen before, Biscuit got excited and asked to go.

Gid had no problem, after all he also has a bit of an interest in the greed island cards and it would be a good place for Kalluta to train and have fun.

"Hmm, then bye!" Gon said hesitantly as he didn't understand Gid's meaning, so he left with Killua soon.

When they saw Gon and Killua leave, Gid and the girls also went to another plane that was heading towards Yorkshin City which is where the Southernpiece Auction House would open, which is where they would auction Greed Island, Gid had no intention of buying him was a waste after all, so he would participate in the test with the other girls fairly.

They soon reached the city, where they settled in a luxurious hotel, each in separate rooms, which relieved Kalluta, although during these months he got used to Gid's impudence, even so, he was bothered by the noise at night that they did not allow him to sleep.

Then the next day Machi and Shizuku, went to walk through the streets for a walk, Pakunoda had gone to investigate something, due to some rumors that I heard recently and Biscuit, Gid and Piyon went to investigate on Greed Island, because Biscuit was interested in the gem and Gid with Piyon wanted to investigate the Runes of the game, to see how they did it.

Soon a week passed, on this day, Gon and Killua also came to this City, because they had promised to meet two of their friends. Furthermore, they also intended to buy Greed Island, although that was impossible.

Gid and the other girls knew this, because Pakunoda was investigating all the people who came to the City because he heard that the Ghost Brigade was here and maybe they try to rob the Southenpiece Auction.

Gid didn't care much about this, in fact, it was better for him if they stole it so that he could steal it from them and have less trouble, but that was only if they had the ability.

Gid thought as he looked at Machi, Shizuku, Pakunoda and Kalluta, Who in the Canon were part of the Ghost Brigade, Gid had taken at least 40% of the main members of his group.

Being stared at by Gid, the girls returned his gaze in doubt, which Gid responded with a hug towards Machi and Shizuku, while giving Pakunoda a light kiss.

"My subordinates are pretty, hehe" Gid said, which made Pakunoda blush, Machi and Shizuku were still with the same indifferent face, but you could see in their eyes that they were happy, while Kalluta ignored what they were doing, since She knew that if she gave a reaction, Gid would annoy her more.

Seeing that Kalluta was ignoring him, Gid didn't bother, just with one hand around Machi and Shizuku led them for a walk around the city again.

As soon as Biscuit and Piyon continued to investigate Greed Island, Gid had gotten bored of it so he entrusted them to the girls.

Although Gid also wanted to research the Runes made on Greed island, because in his memories he took from Ging, he didn't have them on those, so Gid thinks they were made by the rest of his friends. But it was better to wait for them to get to the island and ask them directly in a "friendly" way as they did with Ging.

And so soon came the Southernpiece Auction.

Do comment if you have any good ideas about the novel, although I already have a bit planned about the next 7 worlds, I could still get some inspiration and maybe make some changes.

PS: I am not going to fix the problems of "he" and "she", since there are too many and with my almost zero ability to speak English it is impossible to fix it, if you want me to fix it you have to mark the exact phrase and the way to put it correctly. thanks

BlockNejimecreators' thoughts