
The couple joins the fight

Before the appearance of the dark clouded being that made his appearance and blasted the head of the stone giant with 20 minutes to spare, a ship could be seen sailing at an aggressive speed that would push itself as if accelerating in certain intervals.

On that lightship that had 3 sails raised, only two people settled on top of the ship's captain's cabin, a young man who had short jet-black hair and a young woman with snowy white hair that she was holding tied in a bun.

Along their way toward their destination, the young woman would sometimes grab hold of the young boy back whenever the ship would accelerate.

"Stop doing that Vlad, don't you think you are playing too much with me in this uncomfortable situation?"

"Hey, it's not like I'm doing this on purpose. I have to accelerate toward Rain Island otherwise I might arrive late at the party."

As Vlad said, the turbine made of blood began spinning again at the back of the ship, propelling it toward the island that was yet to be seen.

Sofiya, who was holding Vlad for dear life, gritted her teeth but didn't comment since she knew that Vlad wasn't doing this for the pleasure of seeing her in an uncomfortable position.

Suddenly as they moved toward a set target, the sound of a den-den mushi began to be heard from one of Vlad's black coat pockets.

*Puru - Puru* *Puru-Puru*

As the snail seemed to call, Vlad placed his hand in his coat with a calm expression on his face, and as he picked the snail from his pockets, he looked at Sofiya, who was beside him, saying to her.

"Hmm, who could it be at this hour?"

"Respond to find out. Don't ask me. I'm not a prophet to know such answers."

*Gotcha* Opening the transmitter of the snail, he heard a voice of a young man who felt a bit familiar to him.

"Hello, can you hear me? This is soldier Valen from the Kaysang Army talking. Can you hear me?"

"Yes, young man, I can hear you. What happened with you to call on that number?"

"That voice, are you by chance Master Blood?"

"Indeed, but this doesn't matter now. Tell me what happened to you and the reason for calling."

Valen began explaining to Vlad what happened inside the Rain Island and quickly notified Vlad of the war taking place as they were speaking, and it was even noticeable for Vlad enhanced hearing who could pick some roars of men from the transmitter.

Staring at the snail with solemn eyes, he calmly told Valen.

"You did well to notify me, young soldier. You don't need to be scared, I will soon arrive at the destination, in about 30 minutes.

Once I get there, everything will be solved. No need to act as heroes and go back into the conflict. You served your mission in getting the source of information out."

"Master Blood, but what if the situation is bad already in the city." asked Valen, a bit inpatient by what Vlad just told him.

Meanwhile, Vlad, who increased the ship's speed as he was speaking and jumped down from the top of the captain's cabin, staring forward in what could be said to be the location of Rain Island.

Not minding what the young soldier said, he calmly reminded him.

"If the situation is terrible as you might think, and you go there thinking you can help with something, you are mistaken. What's a war for 10 people when thousands of people fight? You are just another flee flying to get stumped by the vicious circle of conflict.

Do you get it, young soldier? You can't help much in a conflict where great numbers are in play. So just stay put inside your ship and wait for my arrival. Don't worry if you think people will say that you are a coward.

No. You are one of the best for being able to complete a dangerous mission. So don't think of dumb things such as those. Do as I command, little soldier." said Vlad in a commanding manner, as if he was back at the helm of his army once again.

"Yes, sir, I understand." said Valen like an instructed soldier replying to his superiors.

After receiving the soldier's confirmation, he closed the call and heard Sofiya climb down from the top of the cabin.

"Aren't you too harsh on that young soldier, Vlad? It's visible that he worries a lot for his colleagues."

"Sofi, war is different compared to little squabbles that you have seen around Sagletius. That's just kids playing around, just like the syndicates. If your soldiers can't even follow basic instructions in a war and do as they think to themselves, then all the army unity will go down to drain and most likely lose it. Understood?"

"I get it, my love. I also started reading a bit of strategies book and about war so don't look down on me." said Sofiya while also facing toward the distant island.

"Ohh, since when? Weren't you interested in those dumb romance stories? Those fantasies that seem so far sketched."

When Sofiya heard that, her cheeks turned a bit rosy, but she replied back, not showing her embarrassment.

"Since I've started training more seriously, I also picked on reading those books. Don't I also have to lead my people in the future and help you?" said Sofiya as she got closer to Vlad.

"You will, my love for that, I assure you. I will think of a test for you and give you a regiment of soldiers. Maybe setting up a meeting with Sorbet or Briss Kingdom? Perhaps after I finish the civil war and those assassin's from the Assassin's Union.

"You prepared yourself already for the final part of the civil war?" asked Sofiya as she was standing shoulder to shoulder with Vlad, the only drawback was that she was a head smaller, being only 1,80 while Vlad was 1,86 meters.

Hearing Sofiya ask him that, he placed his hands around the back of her shoulder and got her closer to himself while maintaining his quiet as if thinking of that.

"If I can beat the person inside this island without encountering major problems, I will make old Nius a visit and set the plans going one year ahead of the proposed plan."

"Don't worry, I will be there for you." responded Sofiya as she placed her head on his arm and shoulder.

"I know that you will be there for me, my lady."



Minutes passed, and finally, Vlad could see the outline of the Rain Island together with the ship Valor.

He approached fast while still maintaining the blood turbine until he finally released the construct and had all his blood return back in his body.

When they arrived at the island's shores, the two felt a great tremor shaking even their ship along with Valor.

Feeling confused, Sofiya looked around herself on the ground level but could see anything. However, when she looked up, she saw how a giant seeming to be made out of stone appeared in the distance.

"Dear, look at that thing!?" said Sofiya, alerted while pointing at the stone giant.

Vlad, who sensed the quake and anomaly before Sofiya could, already began having his body surrounded by darkness as his short hair started turning white.

"I have already seen it. Sorry love, but I need to hurry and can't pander to you. If you want to join the action, rush on the feet or use your sniper."

As he said that on his back, two large wings appeared that had a crimson-black color while they were surrounded by dark smoke.

Before Sofiya could even react, she felt a great wind push around her, and when she stared around herself, she noticed that Vlad was beginning to move at incredible speeds toward where that giant was.

Back to Vlad, there seemed to be that genderless voice seeming to talk with him in an arrogant tone.

'Hoh, it seems your manipulation and control over darkness increased a little bit. It's because you managed to wake up that annoying fuck inside of you?'

'Quiet you thing. Talk to me when I mess up something. Your assistance isn't needed now, so buss off.'

"Ahhh, master, why are you so cold to your loyal servant? I even waited patiently for you to understand my power. Are you still upset that I took control of your body that time?"

"Hmph, I don't recall such a thing."

"Haha, maybe you need my reminder a bit? Right, you better don't mess up and get yourself killed. I'm still recovering from that stupid event that happened 2 years ago."

"I don't need your help." replied back Vlad in his mind, while the genderless voice existing in his mind said a bit offended.

"That's what everyone says, but you will surely encounter someone stronger than yourself, and at that time, you will ask for my help."

Laughing evilly and in a sinister manner, that genderless voice continued by saying only one thing before turning silent.

"When the time comes that you will require my help, the price you will have to pay will also increase with the expenditure of my powers."

Vlad took note of what that genderless voice was saying, but his mind was focusing on controlling the dark powers along with his blood powers in synchrony.

He could hear loud and clear the chaos ensuing in the distance as he was flying. He could even pick some of the familiar voices he knew.

'Flex, Levon, Yetty, you three brats managed to stay alive. Good, it seems that my training back then wasn't for nothing.'

'It seems the guy who transformed himself in that giant stone statue is a logia type devil fruit user. This will prove a challenge for me. Let's see if my control over my powers is at an acceptable state.'

As he thought that, he pushed his wings to propel himself even harder, and in a brief moment, before launching a strike at that stone giant, he tightened his right fist that turned black.

That tightened fist was also covered in a crimson-black lustre that was releasing dark smoke, giving it a menacing manner.

Then, when Vlad was close to that giant stone face, he heard the sound of someone surprised before he punched the head of that giant, shattering it on impact.

The shockwave created by that hit created some wind waves that reached the soldiers and warriors on the ground. However, Vlad didn't care much about that.



Once his strike connected with the stone giant who was dropped on the ground, he also descended on the ground and saw a tanner man that from his first meeting seemed to look something similar to an Ethiopian or African.

That man seemed to be heavily wounded from the opened wounds he had on his chest and all over his body.

Yet that man still had clarity when seeing this young man who had white hair and whose body was releasing a mysterious dark smoke that was strikingly familiar to him in appearance.

Not minding that feeling he had from this young man, he said in a tired voice.

"You must be the Prince of Kaysang, am I right?"

"That's correct."

Vlad placed his hands on the largest wound on his chest, and suddenly with the shift of his eyes color, which turned crimson, the wound of Zeke's chest slowly stopped shedding blood and started coagulating, forming a protective shield on his wound.

"This!? What happened to my chest wound? Ahh, even my legs and arms feel much better." said the young chieftain as Vlad used his blood powers to stimulate Zeke's blood healing properties that could coagulate the blood in forming a shield against the outside environment.

"Don't get happy and think that you are healed. That's just a patch I gave you, so you don't die from blood loss."

As Vlad said that, which instantly shut Zeke's mouth, he followed by pointing at the dropped stone giant and saying in a calm tone.

"Just like that thing down there, I have the power of the devil fruit. He eats a mysterious fruit that gives unique powers, from what I can understand, his ability is to control and turn into stone."

Zeke rose on his feet with some difficulty and said to Vlad while respectfully bowing a bit his head.

"You saved my life. For that, I'm forever grateful to you and your people who helped me in those dark times. I still can fight and help you against that old monster. Let me help you against that old man."

"No need. Stay down there and don't do something dumb while I fight."

When Vlad ended saying that, he took something from his back that looked to be a dark leather case that held a longsword with a crimson blade and a sword pattern hilt that sent Zeke another sense of familiarity with Vlad.

'That sword, where have I seen something like that before? Right, it was when I first stepped in the inner chambers of the ancestors' temple.'

Then as Zeke was reimagining the large statue of a crowned man that was holding a sword in similar shape and form, that also had such a hilt, while it was standing with a proud and arrogant feeling about him.

Zeke wanted to ask Vlad about the origin of his sword, but before he could do that, the ground shook again, and the stone giant shifted in size, turning back at the original sized High Priest, who by now looked cold at both Vlad and Zeke.

"Intruder, who are you to help that dying little dog? Also, where have you got your hands on that sword? Don't tell me you stole my people's heirloom?"

Vlad looked at the old man made of stone with an indifferent expression on his face and even smirked coldly at such foolish statements.

"Old dog, has anyone told you that most people who talk a lot in battle are the first ones to die?" replied Vlad coldly as he raised his freed hand that began accumulating blood.

'[Blood Javelin]'

Saying that in his mind, seconds later, the blood in his hand morphed in the shape of a javelin that was later thrown at the stone man.

The High Priest noticed the blood javelin move toward him. Sensing that it wasn't harmful to his safety, he let it hit him to show that it was a useless attack and show his power.

"Haha, it's all useless, you dirty brat."

But as he said that, he saw the young man with white hair disappear from his vision and seconds later, sensing danger approaching him toward his back with his sword prepared for an attack from the Wrath Guard. While attacking that stone old man, his sword looked to be strengthened by a black lustre that also released some dark smoke.

Feeling the danger he was if the attack would land, he morphed his arm in the shape of a stone shield, and along with his Armament Haki, he strengthened the defences of his body to survive.

'[Death's Serenity]'

"ARGH!? MOUNTAIN SHIELD!?" roared out the old man as he seemed to strengthen his defences even more.

The clash ended without a winner, as Vlad took a step back and began using fast movements to circle around the old man while his feet released some blood prints along with some dark smoke.

The stone, old man, also watched as Vlad moved, clearly his vision keeping up with his speed.

"YOU, HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE ANCESTORS POWERS!? HOW DARE YOU EVEN STEAL THAT!?" roared the old man when he had the chance to do so, still affected by the earlier clash of attack and defence.

Vlad didn't bother himself with those comments and circled the old man enough to check his weaknesses and open spots. His feet gushed out with dark smoke, and once again, the old man sensed the impending danger.

'[Night's Assault]'

Called out Vlad in his mind, the technique he honed since fighting the assassins. A combination of thrusting strikes flowed toward the stone, old man, while his sword still kept its dark lustre and black smoke.

The high priest once again used a defensive strategy to counter Vlad's attack.


'This annoying old man really has a really annoying style to fight. He's a fucking bitch who doesn't like danger too much. Yet he shows such great bravado as if him being the strongest to have ever lived..'

The genderless voice resounded in his mind saying in an arrogant tone, almost reminding Vlad.

'Master, while you improved your control over the darkness and also acquired that annoying power beside the cute red one, your consumption is a huge one.'

'I know what I am doing. I only have such a chance to test myself once in a lifetime. The old even is a good test for me since he's only defence and not much power.'

'Haha, better not regret saying those words when you get surprised by that old man.'

'Nah, buzz off. There are so many things that I have to test. This is only the beginning.'

As Vlad talked with the voice of darkness or how the thing introduced itself to him, the old man sensed that Vlad's focus wandered a bit off and suddenly reacted and morphing one of his arms in a scimitar sword that later he enforced in Armament Haki.

"Don't you dare look down on this old man, you arrogant piece of shit!?"


As the old man called out his attack along with the movement of his attack, Vlad froze for a brief moment before smiling evilly at the old man.

While using the dark transformation, and with a better mastery at commanding such power, he swiftly morphed the darkness around him to form a chainmail armor that was recreation to the ones he used in his first world. Along the way, he also imbued his blood and used a bit of his newly awakened power, haki, to strengthen the armor defense.

'[Dark Armor] [Swift Death]'

A strong shockwave was created that blew hard the soldiers and warriors fighting against the priest's warriors who seemed to be on low morale, while the soldiers of Kaysang once found that Vlad, their prince, was here to fight along them made their morale sore to the skies.

Flex, Levon and Yetty turned their heads toward the fight Vlad was having with the priest once that shockwave pushed them a bit.

They had a big grin on their faces when they saw the old man's arm bleeding from a cut.

Then a cold laugh resounded in the entire battlefield, and most of the participants heard a voice that had disdain in its tone.

"Old man, that was a good try. I will not lie. You made me turn serious and even activate my Dark Armor."

Saying that, Vlad stared at the old man who retreated after getting wounded on his arm from getting blocked and countered by a swift strike that even shattered and cut on the flesh.

"YOU DARE!? YOU BASTARD YOU DARE DO THIS, TO ME!? YOU WILL REGRET IT DEEPLY FOR SUCH TRANSGRESSION!?" roared the old man as he suddenly began rising in stature in front of Vlad's cold gaze.

But suddenly, as he was doing his enlarging transformation, he sensed something flying at a great force and speed toward him. Using his haki, he noticed something unknown to him that looked like a round black ball.

"Hmph, what is that little shit to my great stature?"

But as the old man said that, he heard a cold voice resounding in his ears that suddenly gave him a chill on his spine.

"It's enough to give me an easy hit on you, thanks to my hardworking lady."

'[Blood Slicer]'

A large crimson sword slash left toward the High Priest enlarging body in a threatening manner.

On the lower ground of the battlefield, a woman with snowy white hair was holding the heirloom left by her decided father, that was a rifle sniper that was releasing smoke from its muzzle.

"Love, good luck. I can only assist you from a distance against such monsters. But soon, I promise you I will fight side by side with you."

Her presence was noticed by the priest's warriors, who sprinted toward her to end her, seeing that she was only a woman.

Seeing this, she hung the rifle on her back, took from her scabbard a rapier sword, and did some quick steps to welcome the warriors who wanted to kill her.

She drew the rapier a bit back to herself before delivering a thunderous combination of thrusts that was stabbing the warriors, piercing them all over their chest and vital organs.

She managed to kill just 3 of the 5 warriors who targeted her, yet she handled herself calmly and began stepping back, allowing herself some more space for thrusts.

Yet before she could act, the figure of a young man arrived at the backs of those 2 running warriors and slashed using a long dagger and a short sword.

After those two dropped on the ground like headless chickens, that young man took a step toward Sofiya and bowed deeply as he greeted her.

"Your Grace, it's a pleasure seeing you fine, but don't you think this place is a bit dangerous for your safety."

"I greet you, my good soldier. You have nothing to worry about. I can fight as an equal against people who don't use haki. Now, come, go mind your own things while I enjoy myself a bit more."


A/N: Sigh, I hope you liked this chapter because I wrote it today, barely managing to keep my rain of thought after having to present at some university conference and also work on that presentation before speaking. Along with having early seminars that I had to take part.

However, it seems I managed myself well, and even wrote something that goes with my taste (3642 words if curious)


Aside from my little excuse. Hope you liked the interaction between Vlad and Sofiya and also maybe the thought of a future teamplay between Vlad and her, since she has great potential as a dual wielder (marksman + swords user) if well developed and built.


Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed the story. Come show some love for me since I took it on myself to write this chapter and maintain the release schedule.


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