
Styled even when corrupted

Then feeling a weird feeling of dizziness, he woke up from his fallen slumber and looked slowly around himself to check his surroundings.

Even the act of turning his head required him to spend energy that he simply couldn't afford.

Keeping in mind the conversation he had in his inner world with the cursed power, his ears began getting assaulted by all sounds that sounded close to the ones in his inner world.

He said gently to Robert, almost like a whisper to his ears after hearing gunshots and all the screams and curses. "Right here, Robert, encamp here and try your best to find me something to eat urgently. I consumed too much of my powers last fight, and I might die soon if I don't eat something to refill myself with the required energy."

Robert and Aerius jolted a bit when hearing Vlad's whisper. Still, after looking from a distance at the slum city in front of him. He nodded his head and entered back into the forest while carrying Vlad and Aerius on his back.

Aerius began asking Vlad all kinds of questions, from what happened inside the mining camp with the guards and if he got again that problem that bothered him.

Vlad only shook his head and said to Aerius in a quiet and calm manner. "Have patience. I'm still weakened to even speak."

Aerius had a dumbfounded expression but quickly processed the information and nodded his head. "Obviously, take it slowly. We got a long time ahead of us anyway." laughed Aerius at the end, pissing Robert of because he was moving too much on his shoulder.

Then Robert began hearing a stream of water flowing close by, and thinking that it would be beneficial to have a water source close by, he picked a spot to encamp. Gently putting Vlad on the ground, followed by the black cat-like creature who jumped of him, getting closer to Vlad.

He stared at the young man who managed to let him and the others escape. Even getting out by himself after being encircled by all the guards from all sides.

Seeing Vlad's weakened body, he touched his sack tied close to him and started searching inside. He started bringing out the food inside. To Vlad's surprise, it seems that Inorra didn't forget to share a part with Robert when he went to Valent City.

Seeing the bag getting easier, Vlad weakly said. "It's enough, Robert, keep something for yourself. This much will suffice. If we need more, we can always enter deep in the forest and hunt something."

"Right, you're correct. Aerius specified that the forest is full of animals, from large size to small size.

If Aerius weren't with me probably, I would have walked the wrong path and take you straight to some predators."

Vlad only chuckled softly as if this was his loudest form, and still with his weak voice, said. "I see, so Aerius was of big help. Well, well. Little guy, I've seen your assistance to the boy, and you didn't disappoint me at all. When I get back on my feet, expect some kind of reward." ending Vlad saying that before starting to eat in a slow manner.

Robert scratched his head, a bit embarrassed when hearing that Vlad noticed the team he made with Aerius. Meanwhile, Aerius was also in a world of his own.

'Meat, meat, meat. I can finally ask for great quality food without having a fear of getting my feathers plucked. Ahhh, it feels so satisfying to hear that arrogant bastard say this. Heh, to think that working with that boy would get me such rewards. I'll give him also a treat when I can.'

As Aerius started getting drown in his own world, Robert looked at Vlad and wanted to ask him something. Still, at the moment he opened his mouth, he would back down from asking Vlad his question.

Vlad took notice of that and said in a weak tone.

"Go ahead, kid, ask away. What's bothering you?"

Vlad continued eating after pushing Robert to ask him. He didn't even bother to cover his manners, such hunger he had that he missed a bit Aslak back in the canteen and the warm food there.

Hearing Vlad push him into asking his question, after some minutes of confusion, he asked. "Vlad, do you mind if I ask you, what is that dark energy that you used continuously in big fights? Also, it's that energy the reason why you were acting weird in certain moments?

"Lastly, I want to ask you how come you found a devil fruit inside the canteen? I'll be honest with you, the chances of devil fruits appearing around the world, especially here, is small, and on top of that, taking note that yours is something special."

Vlad only continued to eat and sometimes stared back at Robert with a cold glint in his eyes, but a glimmer that lasted for a brief moment. After some minutes, Vlad replied in his calm manner and weak tone.

"Hmm, with what to start." Turning his head towards Aerius, he asked the young gryphon.

"Hey Aerius, stop dreaming. Tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how much trust do you have in this little boy."

Hearing Vlad asks him that, like a balloon popping, so Aerius dreams ended. Looking at Robert and later at Vlad for some time, while his face was close to someone pondering over a hard question.

Meanwhile, Robert was a bit confused by this approach towards his questions. Yet, he heard the young gryphon say while looking at him with a smiling face.

"Let's say about 8.3. We still have a long way to find more about each other. Ahh, as for you, let's say your score is 9.8."

"Ahem, glad to hear that, Aerius, now go along your things. Have you heard that young Robert? You still have some things to talk about yourself too, as for example, what happened inside that nightmare of yours.

"Yet, I'll take the lead. First, the devil fruit? I got it after exploring an old temple inside the mine floor that got specifically set for the royal descendants. Correct, surprisingly, I'm a royal of this kingdom, not that I'm bothered that much with this information."

When Robert heard that, his face got a bit awkward, and he said with a shuttering tone. "It is really okay to tell me this information? What if I tell others that you're the successor of this kingdom?"

Vlad smirked and said in a calm manner. "And who would believe you, a nobody here? No one, that's why I don't care. I only said that as a reward for maintaining my trust in you."

"Lastly, your first question that is a bit tricky to answer. Before I try to explain in simple terms, have you ever heard of Haki? Do you know what it is?"

"Haki? Hmmm, I don't remember this notion from my teacher."

"I see. I don't blame you. Even if you knew about this, it wouldn't be of any help in your younger form. Sigh, let's go along with what the old man explained.

"Listen here, Haki is the energy inside your body that it's kept dormant by your body. Its growth is proportional to your spirit or will."

"I think I've heard my father talk about this, but he never specified that this is haki. Hmm, excuse me for interrupting you." apologized Robert for suddenly interrupting Vlad.

Vlad only chuckled softly and continued in the same manner. "So here it comes this dark energy of mines. You can think of this being a mutation to my haki. How it becomes like that, who knows, maybe I've been cursed by a witch when I was a toddler, or it's the result of being part of an old family of royalty. This energy is also the reason I might behave a bit weird in the future. The effect of its powers is indeed supportive but at the cost of having my thoughts influenced in a bad manner.

Now, ahem. I'll take a break for talking, too many words might do worse to me."

As Robert heard everything that Vlad said, he becomes shocked by what this dark energy was and, at the same time, worries about Vlad's mental health.

Aerius looked at Robert, noticing his look, and said to him after jumping on his shoulder. "Don't worry, that power is something that can be mastered. Let's hope yours isn't as weird as this royal bastard."

"Training, indeed. I also have to train to become strong and get back home. It's a long way from South Blue and the first part of Grand Line."

"Really, there are four seas? And something called grand line? Since when? Isn't there four continents?" asked Aerius confused while staring at Robert.

"Hmm, I don't know how the world was at your time, but right now, there's only one giant continent called Red Line that splits the rest of the world into four parts that contain four seas and something in the equator side called Grand Line." Tried Robert to explain to Aerius the current situation of the world he lived in.

Meanwhile, Vlad was assimilating all the new information coming in his direction like a sponge. He noted everything in his mind about the seas and grand line.

Yet, Aerius still struggled to accept the new information. "But how? Do you know how big those continents are? Argh, don't tell me, those Continent Shifter bastards got enslaved and messed up the entire world from how it was?"

Hearing about the Continent Shifter, even Robert nodded his head. "That's right. There are still the Continent Shifters capable of changing the entire structure of the world. Well, just get used Aerius, this world we are here is full of water and islands."

"What? Full of water? Damn, not again." Yelled Aerius, angry when he heard Robert say that.

Then as if to release his frustration, Aerius turned to look at Vlad, who was eating his food in a calm and slow manner.

"Hey Vlad, in the end, you didn't say what happened after we left."

Taking a small break, he turned to look at Aerius and Robert and ask in a sarcastic manner before continuing his idea.

"What could possibly happen, little guy?" Pointed Vlad towards his wounds, especially the one on his chest. Then Vlad slowly touched his chest wound and said in a weak manner.

"A fight to the death. That's what happened. I killed that Belpel guy. However, respects to him. He almost killed me for good if I didn't have the help of the dark energy. Excessive arrogance killed a powerful man. Learn from that man's misfortune and never be arrogant in a fight."

Ended Vlad monologing to Robert and Aerius, not even taking a break properly, he asked Robert shortly. "Kid, do you know how to light a fire, build a camp? We'll stay here for 1-2 days."

"I know how to light a fire, but my teacher didn't teach me about camping or anything in that regard," said Robert back, with an embarrassed expression.

"Hmm, this teacher of yours sounds from what you describe quite the useless person. Did he even teach you the essential needs for a man to survive out in the world? Or were you taught only how to act like a noble, curtsies, calligraphy, mathematics, literature, poetry, history and other boring subjects?" Listed Vlad some useless things he had to learn when he was young.

Robert got even more embarrassed, and not knowing how to respond back, he nodded his head, saying. "Most of what you listed were essential things that the geezer taught me. Like navigation, how to calculate the stars, some of the history about the world but never in his old mind would he think that I would stray away and get sold into slavery."

"Ohh, you know to navigate on the sea? Interesting. Do you also say that you've learned about the history of this world, a little scholar? What a surprise for me. Boy, you might be even more helpful to me." Said Vlad while looking intensely with his green eyes towards Robert's small face and continued back.

"You know, kid, I have this problem with my reading speed. It's too slow, so in this sense, I'll have you teach me a bit more on reading." ended Vlad while starting to eat a cured meat, even if Aerius started salivating a bit.

When Robert heard Vlad say that, he was expecting something else from him. Yet, now that he stated his problem, he nodded happily and said. "I have no qualms teaching you how to write and read. At least that's something I can do better than fighting."

"No worries, boy, no one is born learned. Now I'll stop talking for a bit. I'll tell you from here how to light the fire and set the camp. Just follow my instructions to every word."

With all said, the boys started settling down at the periphery of the city in the distance. They were at a safe distance from all the commotion. They got a water source and possibly a food source that lurks in the forest.

Vlad was instructing Robert on the steps he needed to do for building a camp. For starters, without any cutting tool at hand, he told Robert to gather and break branches to build a simple shelter.

Time passed fast while Robert was working, and Vlad was directing his every action. Slowly a reversed [ V ] shaped shelter around a dropped tree that got used for supporting the rest of the branches started appearing to the amazed eyes of Robert.

"Now go cover the shelter with moss. You'll have plenty in this area. After that, do the same inside the shelter, since you don't want to sleep on the cold floor, that I assure you."

While Robert was moving like a puppet at Vlad's instructions, Vlad himself pondered on the discussion he had with the dark curse. He would also contemplate the fight he had with Anastas and Belpel. His lips curved up a bit when remembering that he spared that young blonde guard Anastas.

'You better thank me for sparing that promising young guy, old Nius.'

Then he began visualizing the battle in his mind since he recovered a bit of his mental power after the incident before awakening. He could see himself using too much of the devil's powers, which taxed too much on his body supplies. However, this was something he could fix.

One thing that proved hard to rewatch was the sequences that his dark curse took over of his body while also supplying his body with large amounts of energy.

He saw with a surprised face the white-haired form of his and only asked himself in his mind.

'How is this even possible? From black hair to white hair in a brief moment. Hmm, I have style even when I'm consumed by that energy.

[After rewatching moments of the fight between Dark Vlad and Belpel]

'So this is another application of the dark energy. Enforcing my blood powers giving another edge of power. Even an blood armour with those certain dark elements.

'It can even act as a binder for my blood powers. Could it also work together with the [Enhancement]? Sigh, I'll for sure have a lot of things to try out when I'm all healed, especially if my Conqueror's had suffered any change since the fight with Belpel.'

'I can see how it looks and a bit of how it feels. So there shouldn't be problems in that regard. I just need patience, a lot of patience, and a quiet environment.'

'I also need to check on the capital city and see if I can find old man Opheltius. How does he look like? Probably close to me since we're blood relatives.

Sigh, I hope I don't run in any child abusers, or I'll wash the entire city in blood if I ever get my eyes on such things. As for the other things, as long it doesn't come in my way and disturbs my peace, I'll stay out of trouble. Hah, if trouble ever wants to give me a break. I bet I'll meet some idiots instantly as I enter the district, and I'll be dragged inside another conflict of power.'

'Ohh, this kid moved quite fast with the temporal shelter. I need to teach him how to set traps to catch rabbits around our periphery and also teach him to light a fire to scare away the predators.'





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