
Meeting Marian.

Yang Dao suddenly sneezed. Icarus asked, "Did you catch a cold?" 

The boy shook his head and said, "No, I don't think I caught a cold." as he kept pedaling. The Dao Child, catching a cold. How embarrassing is that? The boy rode calmly, suddenly the phone in his back pocket vibrated. 

He picked it up with his left hand and put it next to his ear, "Hello." sounded a soft voice from the other side. 

Yang Dao recognized this voice. He said, "Hello Marian." 

"Young Master Feng, can we talk about what you promised the last time?" she asked a little wryly. The boy could pick up some sounds coming from her side. He said, "Yes we can talk. I hope you come alone or just one more elder person along with you. If I saw your gang trying to get back on me for yesterday, I will be killing directly this time." 

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