

The question was asked but there was no response from Han Jian Yu. 

''It was pretty good,'' He said after a long time, without mentioning anything more. 

Mia walked towards him looking into his eyes deeply. 

For a split second, Han Jian Yu felt like there was something more to her gaze that he could not comprehend. He has always been good at judging people, their thought processes from their faces. Being in politics had honed that skill of his but this lady in front of him was... unreadable. 

And unpredictable. 

He added in his heart and she proved him right as she suddenly hugged him. One of her hands had settled on his muscular waist while the other went to wrap itself around his neck. ''That's great,'' She whispered. 


The sound of his heart skipping a beat sounded loud and clear in his ears. And he wondered if she heard it too. 

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