
5. Rebirth?

Su RuQian stared at Lan Xie as if she was looking at a ghost who came back from the dead. Lan Xie saw RuQian's expression and got exasperated to see that her friend was staring at her as if she had never seen her before. The first thing Su RuQian said after waking up was something Lan Xie could not understand as it was only a gurgling sound, so she thought that maybe RuQian needed water, she went to the dispenser and brought back a cup of water for her friend.

"Here you go. Looks like you need some water."

Su RuQian then woke up from her inner reverie after being shaken by Lan Xie to take the water in her hand. RuQian immediately gulped the whole glass of water and then looked at Lan Xie.

"Who are you?"

"Uh? RuQian did you forget who I am?! Did you have a memory loss?! Did the ball hit you that hard that you not only fainted but also forgot everything?"

"Huh? A ball hit my head? Why would a ball hit my head?"

"RuQian we all were playing volleyball and you were hit in the head by some dumb girl who was jealous that you look pretty. Some girl called Lu Xu Mei. I've never even heard of her before. She just transferred yesterday."

Lu Xu Mei. That name. She would never forget this name. So she was in the same school as her?

"Wait. Today is our second day of high school and you already got hit in the head. No, that's not the point. You really don't know who I am?"

"Second day of high school?" How is it the second day of high school? I was in the car just now wasn't I? How is this high school? Wait, this does look like the school's doctor's office. But how did I come here?

"Yeah. Your grandfather dropped us both here saying we should be accompanied by elders for at least a week of the starting session."

Her grandfather did say that in her previous lifetime. Wait! Previous lifetime!? An alarm rang out in RuQian's head. Previous lifetime! Did this mean that she was reborn or something? Like dying and then coming back a few years and be able to remember everything. But shouldn't someone else's soul be occupying her body? I think that's transmigration? Then was she in someone else's body? But that's not possible because she saw Lan Xie and she even called her by her name. So what was going on here? Is this time travel then? Maybe she should first check?

"Lan Xie, Do you have a compact makeup kit with you right now?"

"RuQian here I am worrying about you and you want to use makeup and check whether you're beautiful or not? How can you be so heartless? First tell me whether you know me or not. Do you remember me? How did you forget me RuQian? How can you forget your best friend?"

As Lan Xie kept crying about her not being remembered RuQian kept staring at Lan Xie dumbfounded. 'Have I really been friends with this idiot? But she was so smart as far as I remember. How did she become this dumb?'

"Lan Xie I just called your name. How can you still ask whether I remember you or not?" Right, this girl was still only 15 years old so maybe she isn't so matured yet. I can't compare her to my 27 year self.

"Oh right! You just said my name. *Sigh* RuQian why did you ask who I was when you woke up then? I thought you had those memory loss thingys."

"You mean amnesia?"

"Yeah right amnesia! Why did you ask me something like that? I was so worried. I thought you forgot me!"

"I was just muddle headed because I was unconscious that's all. I didn't forget you. By the way do you have a compact kit?"

"Yes! Yes! I have it right here. It's not like I am as beautiful as you, I need to keep checking my makeup a few times."

"Lan Xie! Who dares to say you're not beautiful?"

Lan Xie started giggling "Right, in your eyes I am always beautiful. Here you go. Check your face, you look exactly the same even after playing in the sun. Just a little red faced."

"Thanks." Ok, this is definitely my 15 year old face and I am also wearing my school uniform. My face does look a little red from playing in the sun but it's surely the younger face before I had my heartbroken and had been betrayed.

So it's true. I've officially been reborn! Or time traveled, whichever happened..

Hehehe. I really like Lan Xie's character because she reminds me of someone I know but this is a younger version of her which I envisioned.

The ML will not be appearing any time soon. So it will be the FL against the world for a while.

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