
Frozen whisperers

Since Furball was getting stronger by the day, Ryan began to think that perhaps he should create a wagon or a carriage for him to pull. While he was fast, sitting on his back was too uncomfortable while he ran. Then again, a carriage being pulled at one hundred miles per second probably wasn't the most comfortable place in the world.

After traveling for a full day without stopping, Ryan and the others finally reached the border, and he saw a lot more snow than he saw last time. Based on what Alissa told him, it was safe to assume that the weather and the path won't improve.

"As expected, the cold isn't bothering me anymore," Ryan said.

"While Cold Resistance decreases one point of damage per level, it also increases the temperature in which your body can withstand without getting sick or suffering from some issues," Femradiel explained. "Every ten levels, your resistance increases by one degree."

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