
Star Spirit

Despite being a star spirit created by the world, Gemini has its background story. As King Leon decides to take care of this mischievous star spirit, he also collects all the legends and myths about them.

Among them, he finds a unique story about Gemini, a twin mischievous child abandoned by their parents and searching for their home. Their mischievous nature is their act to draw attention and find a good home.

In fact, this story is close to the real truth. As a long-lived being, Gemini no longer has any desire like when they first created. However, it didn't mean they could abandon their mischievous nature and love for 'Home'.

At some point, Gemini star spirits no longer want a home of their own but still interest people who appreciate their home. By coincidence, King Leon and Duchess Amberblaze are the people who know the importance of home.

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