
GOF (IX) & First Task (II)... {EDITED}

[With Ol Twinkles]

Albus was not happy... in fact, he was downright furious. He had just tried to contact Minerva, thinking that she would notify him of the progress... after all, not for a single moment did he think that someone would already notice the loyalty potions he had fed them. After all, he completely trusted Severus.

But someone has indeed noticed that they had been given potions. Well, back to the matter in hand, he messaged Minvera but instead of getting a reply only after a couple of minutes several Aurors Apparated near his location. He had several ways of getting away from these fools, after all, he was Albus Dumbledore. But this wasn't the problem... the problem was that no matter who he had sent a message to would rat him out to the Aurors.

He had a hideout hidden under a Fidelius, his old friend Severus as the secret keeper but if he stayed there then he wouldn't get any news. Now, only one family or one part of a family was left for him to try. Molly Weasley nee Prewitt. He didn't hold much hope but he still needed to try...

He sent a letter to her via his Phoenix and gave it instructions not to show itself to anyone else. Just after 30 minutes, he received a positive reply... hah... at least someone was there who still believed in him that he was the only one who could lead everyone to the light.

A small smile graced his whiskered face... but there was still a noticeable frown on his face. There was a reason that he hadn't contacted Molly before this. This was because of a simple reason... Molly Weasley even though his devout follower, didn't hold much power. Yes, she could brew love and loyalty potions but he didn't need them at this moment. He needed someone who had political power... who would agree to stand for him. Alas, beggars can't be choosers.

Albus needed to do something quickly... but with the country-wide hunt going on for him it would be quite hard for him. But he would still do it, he wasn't bothered by the oath he had taken... he knew several ways to go around the oath. Now, he needed to make plans. With that thought, he decided to return to his hideout and start making his plans but he neglected one fact.

He massively overestimated his only devout follower's ability to help him...


[POV Rumi(Roxanne)]

I can't believe that they invited that old creep with wand fetish to do the Wand Weighing Ceremony. I am kind of being silly... after all, who else are they going to invite if not that old creep. No matter how creepy that guy is he knows about his stuff.

With the Wand Weighing Ceremony finally over, I decided to return to the ROR. Apparently, hunting down a Manticore wasn't easy at all. It took a group of wizards... but I don't think that it's impossible. I have found that no matter what kind of dark magic you use the goblet won't punish you. The silver goblet also followed the rules of the Triwizard Tournament and the Champions were connected to them.

Let's go back to the topic of Dark Magic... the goblet won't punish me, I can only get punished if the government of this country decides to charge me for using banned magic. I have no idea that there was a loophole like this... Nemuri told me. Even though I didn't want to get any help... I won't deny at least this kind of help. The thing is, Dark Magic is only banned if used against humans. Even the unforgivables are not banned if used against a beast or creature. Only Necromancy was banned to be performed in any country. No matter who you are... if you are caught then it carries a straight death sentence.

It would be nice if I was able to use AK or control Feindfyre. Honestly, I don't have enough confidence to use Fiendfyre is an arena full of spectators and students. Nemuri and Reo can perform the spell as both of them are very very strong magically... and they can will those cursed flames to behave like they want. There is only one way to stop Feindfyre if it gets out of control. Before us, nobody knew about this... not even our ancestors.

Reo had apparently found this out. Until now, Feindfyre was thought to be a spell that burns through anything... what they didn't know was that it can even eat through magic. So only another Feindfyre can stop a Feindfyre... and I am not stupid enough to try casting Feindfyre. So, I have to use different magic. I wasn't knowledgeable like Reo in Dark Magic so I had to ask him to help me with it. He proposed Blood Magic as even if Manticores are magical beasts they still have blood flowing through their bodies.

I have told Harry about this but both he and Sirius had said that they don't want anything to do with Dark Magic. Not my problem...

I finally arrived in front of ROR and found that Reo was already waiting for me there. "I was wondering that you lost your way" Reo teased with a grin on his face.

"I had several things going on my mind... now let's go" I said and started to walk in front of the tapestry asking for a room to train.


The rest of the days passed... it was November 24th already. Like Nemuri had said, Barry Crouch or Ludo Bagman or anyone else won't be able to do anything to her, after all, the law was on her side.

I was kind of excited about the task... I have practiced and learned a lot this week. I knew Reo was strong but I don't even know what to call him when he uses Dark Magic. It is like Dark Magic is specially made for him to use.

Last night I had a chat with Professor Flitwick, he told me if I want I could forfeit the first task if it becomes too much for me to handle. After all, there was no shame to surrender instead of fighting a Manticore.

I calmly assured him that it was completely fine. I finally arrived in the Champion's tent. All the senior champions were already there... I was the first Jr. Champion to enter the tent. I was kind of stewing in excitement.

I looked around at the participants, Fleur was pacing around the room nervously. Cedric was muttering something leaning on the side while muttering something. Krum was arrogant, so he just stood at the side with his eyes closed. Well, I guess everyone has their own ways to deal with their nerves. The tent flap opened and Harry walked in nervously and gulped.

I decided to leave him alone for now, it was kind of getting hard from my battle tendencies to show up. Soon Andre and Katina also entered the tent. The Buffon Bagman entered the tent just after them.

"Good, good! Everyone is already here! Now, I would ask the Jnr. Champions to come ahead. After all, juniors are going to be the first!" Bagman spoke like a kid on a sugar rush. I had to hold myself back from punching him on the nose. Even with the feeling of violence, I decided to step ahead, Andre and Katina also did the same. Andre looked too arrogant for my liking... I didn't know what he had learned to feel like that. Even though Katina tried to hide it I could see that her hands were slightly shaking in fear.

"Ah! Now, to complete the first task you have to collect a Magical Crystal. This magical crystal would contain the clue for your second task! Your crystal is going to be protected by a Manticore!" Bagman said with an ecstatic expression. I am going to beat him up... no matter what! But I need to complete the task first.

"Now, take these! These are Portkeys, if we handlers think that you can't dodge or get injured they can activate it, you will be directly transported to the infirmary" the Buffon said and pulled out three galleons for us.

"No, way in hell, I am going to carry something like that on my person" I said with a straight face. No way in hell I am going to carry something like that. The Handlers could activate the Portkey if they see that I am about to kill their beast.

Everyone in the room looked at me oddly but I won't budge no matter what. Andre and Katina both took the galleons.

"But, Miss Ravenclaw! It might save your life" Bagman tried to insist, I grabbed his collar and pulled him down forcefully to his knees. The Buffon dropped to his knees and whimpered.

"I don't want to repeat myself again, it would be better for you to get that in your head" I said and pushed him. He dropped on his back and immediately shot and dusted himself as nothing happened. Just let this task finish, you fool. I am gonna beat you up!

After that, Bagman called the Sr. Champions and explained the first task to them. They had to get a golden egg from a nesting mother dragon. Yeah... good luck with that. They used small model dragons to select who is going to go against which dragon. Harry drew the short stick as he got the Hungarian Horntail...

"Ah... we are going to start with the Jr. Champions. It would be Beauxbatons, then Durmstrang, and finally Hogwarts. Good luck everyone" Bagman said happily and left the tent...

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