
Chapter 21 Wolves march south

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Jon pov

Marching with an army can be brutal if you are used to riding a dragon, Nightfury can take me anywhere in the seven kingdoms in hours, so traveling for days was particularly hard on me

As we finally reached Moat Cailin we were joined by my aunt and her uncle the blackfish and some of the riverlands lords who came here to ask for help

As I was back I decided to take out my Valyrian steel full plate armour, even with Valyrian magic Valyrian steel is still very hard to make, the steel is made from mixing normal steel with dragonglass, as these two things don't mix easily the process of making it is very hard

The smiths and Valyrian magicians used to work together to make this steel, the smiths would work the metal while the magicians keep the fire at just the right temperature, even with all of this the output for Valyrian steel was never high, so there was never any full armour made with this, some individual pieces of armour were made but they were very valuable even in old Valyria

With me being an awakened and perfect control of fire magic it was not hard to make Valyrian steel but I am not a metal worker, so I hired Tobho Mott one of the few men who can work Valyrian steel from kingslanding,I had Valyrian steel ingots made so he came work them into a armour

Valyrian steel is darker than normal steel due to black dragonglass in it, the Valyrian steel weapons are not completely black because they don't need that amount of concentration in the steel, but when making a armour the steel should be completely black to made properly, this step was the reason the Valyrians could never make armours

The armour design was already in the books but they were never actually able to make it, but Tobho Mott was able to make it with the high concentration steel ingots I made, the armour was fashioned after the black armour my father wore at ruby fort but instead of rubies for the red, the armour had the typical Valyrian steel red glow

After seeing the ingots Tobho Mott agreed to be my personal blacksmith at my keep with his apprentice gendry, the boy same age a me but what he didn't know that he was the fat kings bastard, he might the eldest real child Robert has but that's not important

As 30,000 strong was ready to march south Robb was commanding the forces, I will always be the better warrior between two of us but I could never come close to Robb as a commander

Ser Brynden Tully is a seasoned warrior and a veteran of many battles, he was advising Robb with other northern lords , as I thought Lysa Arryn didn't send a single man to help but she won't be a problem for long

Near the twins bridge

As we crossed the neck, the lannister were sieging Riverrun and Tywin lannister was marching towards the neck with a strong host

Robb decided to split their forces and take major host west of the green fork in hopes of catching lannisters by suprise and relieve the siege at Riverrun

It was decided that I will lead 7,000 men to face against tywin's forces and Robb will take the remaining forces west, but we need the bridge for the plan to work

My aunt wanted to negotiate with Walder frey but I chose to go myself, old frey and I have some history

As such I was once again in front of that leech of an old man, he looks even older than last I saw him

"Lord Snow has come to meet this old man, what could the white wolf want from me "

"Lord Frey I see you still use a cane, old bones don't heal do they"

Construction of Moat Cailin went on for years as such we need a lot of materials brought there, as some of it came from riverlands my men payed the toll at twins, at first the toll was reasonable but the freys kept increasing it, so I personally visited lord Frey one night and broke his leg, from then on the toll never became a problem

At the mention of his leg the old man's face turned sour like a lemon

"I want the bridge so our forces can cross the river, I will pay 10,000 gold dragons in addition to that one of your son will be Robb's squire and one of your daughter will marry Edmure Tully if he survives the war"

" It's a good deal but I want the stark heir not tully, if the stark boy takes one my daughter I don't even need the gold"

"One must not be too greedy lord frey, who knows the mysterious attacker may attack a little higher than you leg next time than what's the use of your new bride"

Damn leech thinks I will sell my brother for a bridge, the old man was shivering in fear when I mentioned the last bit

"Fine, I have too many mouths to feed the gold would help, you can have your bridge white wolf now leave this old man in peace "

Back at the main camp

"We can have the bridge but Edmure has to marry one of the Frey girls, don't worry not all of them are bad few are actually good,this is the best we are ever going to get stark"

"He is right Robb and we need the bridge" seven hells my aunt actually agreed with me

"So this is where we part ways stark, good luck if all goes well we will meet at Riverrun"

"I am not the one facing more than 4 times the number of men in battle brother, you are not allowed to die there" Robb said and gave me a tight hug

"Don't worry I have a few heavy hitters with me,also I am sending Ser Brianne and Sandor as your personal gaurds, you might take the lannisters by suprise but Jaime Lannister is still known as the best swordsman, so keep them close"

So I was marching to face 30,000 men with 7,000, others might think we were just a distraction but this a two side attack, Robb will destroy the lannisters from West and I will destroy them from the east

My 200 hundred heavy hitters are slowly following us through the forest, they are the surprise present I prepared especially for Tywin

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