
A Dip In The Moonlight

The soldiers made quick work, setting up our entire camp within the hour. They even had multiple contained campfires going, which was almost magical considering how damp the wood was. Our small camp contained 6 tents, with 2 to 3 men per tent. William and I were supposed to have our own tents and sleeping bags as well. The tents were made out of strong canvas and metal poles, all handmade. They were just big enough for 3 people to sleep squished together, so we had soldiers volunteering for watch to save space. One person was selected for first watch, and then we gathered around for dinner. The cook for the night had made canned beans and had warmed them up in their cans. So each of us had our own piping hot can. As the cook tried to hand it to me, William intercepted it and wrapped a cotton glove around it to keep my hands safe. I blushed at his actions and took it from him, smiling into the dented tin. How sweet.

A loud crunch of leaves next to my right leg quickly melted the smile off my face. I knew who it was in an instant, dread creeping into my heart. His hand slipped up on my thigh, fingers dancing over the fabric of my pants. I squeezed my eyes shut willing him to go away. Joth chuckled to himself. Another hand on my opposite wrist startled me and I looked up to see William standing over us with my wrist tightly in his hand. He pulled me to my feet away from Joth.

"We're eating dinner in our tents. We have to get up early." He said to me. Then he dragged me away before Joth could even stand. When we got far enough away, he whirled around to look at me.

"Is that what he's been doing? Touching you and insinuating things he's done?" He angrily whispered. I looked away from him.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said. He put his hands on my shoulders and shook me a bit.

"What did he do to you?" He demanded. I didn't answer him. He stared at me with his hands on my shoulders for a moment longer before grabbing my arm and dragging me to my tent. He pushed me inside and I stumbled on the sleeping bag, trying my best not to spill my can of beans. I sat down in the corner, as far away from William as I could get. He had sat in front of the zipper, blocking the exit.

"What did he do to you?" He said quietly. It wasn't a demand anymore, it was a quiet plea for answers. Answers that I wasn't ready to say out loud or admit to myself. Answers that cut into me painfully. I shook my head, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you William. It's that I can't! If I say it out loud then it's real and it happened and I can't live with myself at that point!" I confessed. He just started at me for a long time. Finally, he scooted closer. He took the can from my hand and set it on the floor, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and holding me against him. I wrapped my arms around him too and relished in the fact that I could feel his muscles through his uniform. His hug lasted longer than it should have, and it was only interrupted by men hooting and hollering around the campfire. He took my chin between his fingers.

"I won't leave you in here to sleep by yourself. I don't want that freak to come in here and hurt you." I smiled at him, more tears falling from my eyes. Concern graced his features immediately.

"What's wrong? Did I say something bad? Why are you crying?" He asked, quickly wiping the tears from my cheeks. I smiled again and shook my head.

"It's just the first time anyone has ever shown me true kindness before. It's nice but overwhelming as well. I don't really know how to react. But I want to thank you for what you've done for me, keeping me safe." My voice shook as I said it. I had never felt something like this. Joy, happiness, gratefulness, and maybe... love? I couldn't tell. Besides, I had only known him what, 3 days? 4 days? There's no way in hell someone can fall that fast... Is there?

We finished our food, talking quietly until my eyes couldn't hold themselves open anymore and I drifted off to sleep with William guarding me.

When I woke, it was still nightfall. I glanced around the tent to find William with a cute smile on his face.

"How long did I sleep?" I grumbled.

"About 2 hours. Just long enough for everyone to get drunk out there." He paused for a moment and peeked out of the tent. "Hey... Do you want to do something dangerous and fun?" He whispered. I nodded in the moonlight. He beckoned for my hand and we slipped quietly out of the tent. The men were passed out around the dying campfire. I could see Joth snoring in the dirt, clutching his empty homemade moonshine bottle. William grabbed our bags from his tent and grabbed my hand as well, pulling me into the woods. He navigated us around trees and through bushes until we hit a wall of brush. Then he carefully peeled some of it away to reveal a lake. Glistening in the moonlight, it captivated me. He nudged me forward and replaced the brush behind us.

"Do you want to get in?" He whispered. I nodded and turned to look at him. To my chagrin, he had already taken his shirt off and was unbuckling his pants. The moonlight just barely lit up his features and yet I had never seen anything more amazing. Him in the moonlight in front of a lake. It was almost like a trashy romance novel. My face flared up instantly as he took off his boxers as well. Then he held his hand up and beckoned me to him. My feet moved forward on their own, finding their way until they reached right in front of him. His warm fingers found the hem of my black shirt and he lifted it up slowly, letting his fingers run along my soft skin. After it was over my head, he looked for my approval before unclasping the faded pink bra that I had put on this morning. He smirked as he held it up and looked at it in the moonlight. My hands went to cover my chest while he was distracted, but the movement caught his eye and he had a hold of my wrists in a flash. My face must have been as red as lava at this point. I was certainly just as hot! With the same gentleness he had used earlier, he slid my pants down to my ankles, tracing back up my thighs before hooking into the matching underwear. He discarded that as well and whistled at the full sight of me. Turning bashful immediately, I pulled off my socks and shoes and ran towards the water. He quickly gave chase and we splashed into the warm water of the glossy lake.

I didn't know how to swim so I stuck to the shallows and he swam in the drop off right in front of me. I watched him bobbing up and down in the water and found myself wondering about him. Where did he grow up? What's his favorite food? What faction did his family originally settle in? What's his favorite color? As all of these things danced through my thoughts he stopped swimming and came up close to me.

"Yes?" I asked sweetly when he was inches away from my body. It was on fire, yearning to meet his. He slid forward a bit more, a bashful look on his face until he pressed his lips into my own.

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