
Season 2 Episode 89: Secrecy

"The Headmaster seemed impressed with your skills." Senior Beldon said as the two walked towards his residence, and Claude nodded his head. "I'm guessing he was. After all, he did spare us from sharing the same fate as our previous master." Claude said. "It's the least we could do for him."

"I'm guessing he - as well as the rest of the faction members - will look at you more favourably after this contest," Senior Beldon explained. "I sure hope so," Claude replied. He didn't want to tell Senior Beldon about his deal with the Headmaster.

After saying their goodbyes, Senior Beldon departed, and Claude entered his room. As soon as he took one step inside his room, Claude stopped in his tracks, and his eyes narrowed. "Wait a minute," Claude murmured under his breath, as a frown appeared on his face. He walked towards the centre of the room, and began scanning his surroundings, before whispering to himself, "Something's wrong."

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