
Season 2 Episode 20: Margaret

"She's a vixen, that girl Margaret. Still, with her body… wouldn't be that bad for your last night, I'd say!"

"In your dreams, George," a loud laughter was heard. "Remember the rumours about her only sleeping around with strong men? Well, she apparently forces the men who wish to court her into fighting with each other to find out who's the stronger one! If you want to sleep with her, you're going to need to cultivate a lot more, George!"

Claude drowned out the laughter that ensued after that last remark, turned around, and stared at the glass window of the shop he was standing next to. 

"Clan Head's daughter, huh..."

Claude tidied his face and his clothes as he viewed his reflection on the glass window. With the attire he was wearing now, he could certainly pass as being someone in his twenties. A smile appeared on Claude's face as he muttered to himself, "I guess I've found a way..."


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