
The Hound's Red Thorn


"If I hear someone talk about my wedding again, I'm gonna kill all of you," Zelina warned the hounds who were helping her settle. It had been a few weeks since the mating ceremony between the hound of the southern forest and the vampire leader of Asteta. 

As the mating rules demanded, Zelina and Ulrike had to choose where to get their headquarters, especially now that they were allied. 

Of course, they had chosen to build a house from the ground up, at the borders so they would all be part of one family, literally and figuratively. The moon goddess had paired two of the most stubborn and explosive races and it seems to be working so well for them. Maybe.

"What happened again, my red thorn?" Ulrike asked as he walked in, but before he could even reach Zelina, he had to squat and let the chair that she had thrown at him hit the nearest wall. 

Ulrike had gotten used to it though. 

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