

Dr. Mason Brown was at home when Sam arrived anxiously at his front door.

Standing in the doorway of his apartment condo, Mason was dressed in a brown robe, and holding a cup of coffee in his hands. From the kitchen, came the fragrant scent of herbs and garlic. He seemed to be preparing lunch.

"Why were you looking for me so urgently?" Mason asked. "Did something happen to Delilah?"

At this point, he could only guess.

Sam swallowed and shook his head. His reason for being there was completely unrelated to Delilah.

"I...I have something to ask you about last night..." Sam asked after a bit of hesitation.

Mason's eyes darted a little. "Last night?" he asked. "What do you want to know?"

Sam looked down and cleared his throat. "I was completely drunk. The last thing I remember was waving Tiffany goodbye. I can't quite piece together the rest of the night," he explained. "Did I...leave the club with you...?"

Mason leaned against the door and chuckled. "You can't remember?" he asked with interest as he raised an eyebrow. He then sighed and turned his body. "Come inside. Have some food and water so you can recover from your hangover a little, and let me refresh your memory."

Sam glanced inside with hesitation. But he eventually nodded his head and walked inside. He needed to know the truth.

But, as soon as the door closed, a male voice called from the kitchen, "Babe, lunch is ready."

Sam looked at Mason in surprise. He wasn't alone.

Sam headed towards the dining room with curiosity and sat down at one of the seats. "We have a guest, do you have enough to make another plate?" Mason yelled towards the kitchen.

"Of course," a chirpy voice replied.

A short moment later, a brown-haired man with hazel eyes came walking out with three plates of food. Mason quickly helped him grab one and kissed him affectionately on the lips. "Thanks for preparing lunch," he said. The brown-haired man smiled, revealing his high cheekbones. That was when Sam stared at the man and suddenly remembered something. He recognized this man; they had met before!

The brown-haired man grinned as he looked at him. "You're that guy from the club last night," he said as he pointed to him.

All of a sudden, Sam remembered standing in a corridor with Mason Brown in the club as DJ Dee played in the background, and this man approaching them with a smile.

Sumi had been telling the truth.

There really was a third guy.

[Is this condom #3?] Sam cringed at the thought.

"Oh," Mason exclaimed, "I didn't get the chance to introduce you to each other last night. Tony, this is my friend, Sam. Sam, this is Tony...he was my ex-boyfriend, but we're back together now..."

Tony winked at Mason then turned to look at Sam, "I actually have to thank you. If not for you, we probably wouldn't have had the chance to get back together..."

Sam's head began to spin. Thanks to him? What had he done? 

In that hotel on the other side of the Las Vegas Strip, did they...treat him like some kind of sex toy that reignited the spark in their broken relationship? Sam wanted to cry.

Mason saw the confusion on Sam's face and laughed. "You don't remember what you did, do you?

"Oh, Sam...if you weren't drunk, how long would you have hidden the truth from me?"

Sam raised an eyebrow. The truth? What truth was he referring to?

"Poor Delilah... How long have you been lying to her...?" Mason added with concern.

Sam's eyes opened wide in surprise. Lying? Had Mason discovered something? Did he know...that he was actually straight?

Sam stuttered a little, "I...I don't know what you're talking about?"

Mason scoffed. "Last night...at the club...I tried to kiss you... Do you remember that at all?"

Sam frowned. Sumi had mentioned that she saw him kissing Mason passionately in the corridor. He did not answer. Instead, he held his head in pain. How could he have done something like that?

Mason saw Sam's reaction and laughed. "I must say, I was quite enjoying that kiss...until you pushed me away..."

Sam lifted his head and looked at Mason in surprise. Pushed him away? Didn't they kiss passionately until Tony came along and joined them?

"You asked me earlier whether I left the club with you," Mason recalled. He then shook his head and explained, "I didn't. You pushed me away and told me that you didn't like men... After that, you left me with Tony and ran off... The last time I saw you...you were with Sumi... Honestly, I was quite hurt by your actions. I genuinely thought there was something between us. Fortunately, Tony showed up at that time and comforted me."

Mason and Tony had actually split up over a decade ago. Back then, they were still young, naive, and neither of them knew how to be in a serious relationship. Perhaps...the timing wasn't right. But now, they were both mature adults, and when they met again, everything just naturally fell into place, and they realized they were made for each other all along.

"Sumi?" Sam gasped. "So...I didn't leave the club with the two of you and nothing happened between the three of us?" he double-checked.

At that moment, Tony approached Mason from behind and wrapped his arms around his waist. In a suggestive tone, he said, "Nothing happened between the three of us, but something definitely happened between the two of us."

Mason giggled. "Stop teasing me. We have a guest," he whispered.

Sam scratched his head stressfully. If he didn't leave with these two, who did he leave with? He still hadn't got an answer.


Meanwhile, over at the hospital cafeteria, Sumi bit her lower lip as she remembered something and smiled.

She wasn't lying about catching Sam and Mason kissing in the corridor of the club, nor the fact that a third man had approached them. But she did make Sam think that something else had happened on purpose and she also hinted that he had left the club with the two men. It was much too fun to mess around with him.

The truth was, she had actually seen the way that Sam pushed Mason away, and she also heard him tell the man that he was actually straight.

At that time, she simply thought it was interesting and walked away.

Who knew the man would suddenly chase after her, grab her hand, and pull her out of the club with him.

She thought about the way that the man was questioning her about who he had left the club with last night and laughed. "I left the club with you, you idiot," she whispered to herself as she chuckled and shook her head. How could he have forgotten? [Adorable] she thought again.
