
Floss Bikini

Maya and Lucas picked a cute picnic rug by the pool and sat down. Maya couldn't help but laugh, "It seems like picnics are a running theme for us..."

The last time they went on a date, they were having a picnic at the Grand Canyon. Lucas looked at the woman's smile and felt his heart melt. "As long as you like it," he said.

Maya couldn't help but blush a little. Ever since last night, there was something slightly different about this man.

Before things got awkward, a waitress arrived at that time and handed them each a menu. She then started recommending their best dishes.

"The specialty for today is A5 Wagyu beef straight from Japan. You can have it as a steak or in a salad. We also have a popular salmon poke bowl that looks great in photos," the woman explained.

Maya scanned the menu and decided that the poke bowl did sound good so she ordered one of those. Meanwhile, Lucas ordered a Wagyu steak and a bottle of wine.

The wine arrived first and they each had a glass to start. Maya didn't drink often, but she did enjoy the flavor, and it was perfect for the setting they were in. For a moment, she completely forgot that Lucas had a crazy stalker that was after him, and the stalker's brother was being interrogated at the police station.

Soon, their dishes arrived in front of them. They were beautifully presented and it felt like a shame to mess it up, but to Lucas' surprise, Maya grabbed her spoon and dug straight into her bowl. He knew she wasn't Delilah, but he didn't expect her to mess it up without even taking a moment to admire it. Unable to resist, he teased, "You're not taking a photo first?"

Maya paused. She had forgotten about Delilah's habits again. 

Lucas smirked as he watched the woman panic. But before he received a response, a voice interrupted, "Dels! You're here!"

Maya lifted her head and saw Tiffany approach from the entrance of the restaurant. In her hands, she had a couple of shopping bags, and Ryan followed behind with a smirk.

"Tiffany! What are you doing here?" Maya asked in surprise.

Lucas saw Maya's reaction and slowly turned around to see who she was talking to. But as soon as he turned around and Tiffany's eyes fell upon him, she gasped and froze.

"This is...?" she stuttered a little.

Maya tugged on the woman's arm to calm her down. "This is Lucas Lee, of course," she explained.

Tiffany almost fainted when she heard this. "This is Lucas Lee?!" she exclaimed. Didn't they say that Lucas Lee was ugly? That no woman wanted him? That he was probably missing an arm or a leg??

The man in front of her was unbelievably handsome...

If she saw him in a club, she would be the first to pounce on him. How could this be the infamous Lucas Lee?

Staring at the man, she sat down next to Maya in awe. If Delilah was to find out that her future husband was this good-looking, she would be ecstatic. She pulled out her phone and got ready to take a few photos of the man, but he noticed and she quickly put her phone away.

Meanwhile, Ryan handed Maya some bags. "Tiffany helped me pick out some clothes for you. We also brought you a bathing suit so you can go for a swim."

Maya accepted the bags in surprise. "Swim?!" she exclaimed.

Lucas nodded his head and pointed at the infinity pool in front of them. "Yes, it would be a shame to come up here and not use the pool. Don't worry, it's heated."

That was when Maya finally noticed that the man's black shorts were actually board shorts suitable for swimming. Earlier on, she had thought it was strange for him to wear shorts in the middle of winter.

But Maya looked at Tiffany in confusion. She didn't bring a bathing suit because it was the middle of winter. Where did Tiffany get a bathing suit from? She didn't expect her to share Delilah's, right? That would be too unhygienic.

Tiffany noticed her confusion and quickly said, "I couldn't find your bathing suit, so we bought you a new one."

Maya reached into the shopping bag that Tiffany was gesturing to and pulled out the bathing suit inside. Her eyes immediately opened wide and she blushed when she saw what Tiffany had bought. It was a light blue floss bikini!

As someone who worked in advertising, she had seen this trending item all over fashion magazines, but she never imagined wearing one herself. It was much too revealing. 

Lucas also cleared his throat when he saw it. This bikini was even sexier than the hot pink bikini that Delilah wore to the pool party! Lucas looked at Ryan and raised an eyebrow. Did he approve of this? Why didn't he stop Tiffany from buying something so revealing? He knew Maya was not Delilah...

But Ryan simply shrugged. When a woman was shopping, a man couldn't stop her. Besides, who knew if Maya was just as revealing as her sister...

Maya shoved the bikini back into the bag and started digging into her food again. "It's not good to swim after eating. Maybe next time..." she said as she tried to make up an excuse.

Lucas looked at her dotingly. He knew the bikini made her uncomfortable, so he didn't want to force her. But just as he was about to agree, Tiffany suddenly said, "It's fine, babe. You can just soak in the water or sunbathe. It's not like you know how to swim anyway..."

Maya almost choked on her food when she heard this. Just as she took the last bite of her poke bowl, Tiffany grabbed her hand, pulled her up, and started dragging her to the change rooms, "Come, let me help you put it on. You're going to look so hot!"

Lucas glanced at Ryan, and Ryan simply shrugged again...
