
Chapter 236: Critical situation!!!

Lyonel did not hesitate for a second and made his dragon, Honzo, fly between the spear and Jasmine in order to intercept it. He might have hesitated to rescue his other sibling since he saw how powerful those spears were on the battlefield. But Lyonel saw how his father defended against them and tried to imitate his action. He figured that the secret was in the Valerian Steel that he had.

The problem was the speed of the spear. If Lyonel received the spear's tip with his sword, he would still have to deal with the residual effect that might cause him to fly away from his dragon. He must hit the spear in the middle while the spear was flying with this speed to shatter it before the spear could reach him.

In the end, Lyonel was not Edward, and although the boy managed to destroy the spear, the spear still managed to reach him and took away his left arm up to his left shoulder. Not only was his arm gone, but he got affected by the cold from the Night King and became like Bran. Plus, the pain was so much that it made Lyonel faint on top of his dragon.

Jasmine cried out loud after seeing this scene, and this cry made Edward look as well. Edward's red line was his children, and if anyone dared to touch them, he prepared to risk it all to take the one who did that to the grave with him.

After seeing what happened to his son, who was about to be a father, Edward's eyes turned red from anger, and his heart was beating as if the world was going to end. The world was really ending for Edward since this revealed his inability to save his children. So What was the catch of trying to conquering the world if his children died because he could not protect them?

Although Edward's anger took over him, he managed to say one sentence to the others before turning to fight the Night King with his two dragons.

"Retreat right now. And take care of Lyonel until I return." Said Edward as he gave the command to everyone. They knew if they dared to open their mouths in this situation, Edward would disown them all, and everyone retreated while Edward remained.

Edward's brain was working at full capacity, but the problem was that he could not find anything he could do to save his son. When he told Jon Snow that he could not save Bran, Edward was not lying as it was impossible to find a cure to something that he had never heard of before.

Plus, what happened to Bran in this timeline did not happen in the other timeline. The only one that could know the cure was Bran, and if Bran could not save himself, then there was no saving for Lyonel.

Edward was frustrated that he would lose his son that he did not care that he was fighting seven dragons with only his two dragons. Not only that, but he had to go against the Night King and his remaining minions as well.

But Edward's rage was like nothing else, and he decided to try the riskiest move he had if he did not want to lose the rest of his children to this fucking undead.

Edward had to wait for the weapons and war engines to arrive, and he was sure that he would take down those dragons, and he would only have to fight the Night King alone. At least, that would save him many problems. Just look at what the dragons did to his nephew.

What Edward was going to do was merging three different types of fires. He tried this move before, but the explosion that resulted was like nothing else. Bantāzma's and Gēlion's fires mixed with wildfire could result in an explosion powerful enough to wipe out Harrenhal in a mere second.

And Edward was trying to use this move since he did not have anything else to try except this one. He knew that this was not enough to hurt the Night King, but things would be different if we talked about the dead army and the dragons.

After seeing that the rest had retreated far enough and Bantāzma and Gēlion sustaining enough injuries, Edward decided to risk it all since this move did not differentiate between a friend and an enemy. This move could even kill him and his dragons if he did not retreat before the explosion reached him. He was always careful enough and did not use this move since he tried it for the first time, but Edward did not have another choice.

Without waiting, Edward ordered Bantāzma and Gēlion to start the plan while he took out the containers that had the wildfire that he loaded on Bantāzma's back before leaving Storm's Eye.

It did not take long before the three fires finally mixed, and Edward tried to retreat with his two dragons as far as he could while also trying to restrain the Night King and his followers. And it was Capoooom sound that made the earth down there shock from the intensity of the explosion.

The explosion was huge and nearly wiped everything around the area. The smoke that resulted managed to reach Edward's children, who had retreated much earlier and was already far away from the battlefield.

Not only that, but the smoke did not stop here and continued moving towards the other groups. Even the group from the Night's Watch, who had retreated and was still running away since the battle started, saw the smoke.

But no one stopped since they did not know if that calamity ended with this explosion. Edward's children themselves did not stop. Although they were worried about Edward, they had to take their brother, Lyonel, back to receive any treatment for his situation.

Ten minutes later, the group finally managed to leave the smoke cloud and be on their way to Winterfell. After they left by about fifteen to twenty minutes, Edward and his two dragons also came out of the smoke. But not only was Edward injured heavily but his two dragons were also injured. The merit in this was they were alive, though.

An hour later, the smoke finally disappeared due to the storm from the Night King, and if anyone looked from the sky, they would manage to see the result of the explosion. A large pit on the ground that could hold a town or a castle could be seen.

As for the Night King's army, a large portion got taken away and reduced to ashes, and only half or so remained standing with most of the giants that could frighten everyone evaporated.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

GNaNAcreators' thoughts