
Chapter 130: End of the Rebellion and Edward's coronation

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"Haha, I am behaving nicely here, Lady Olenna. But since I respect you too much, I will only demand copies of only half the books present in the citadel. That is my bottom line. I believe my brother has delivered the message to you already." Said Edward with a smile as he looked at her.

"Fine, but I want the captured soldiers back." Said Olenna as she saw Edward's expression. She knew that Edward would not change his mind regarding this matter, so she turned to another problem.

"Hoho, that depends on how much you could pay for them." Said Edward with another smile. He wanted to take every benefit that he could from The Reach.

"The books of the citadel are enough." Said Lady Olenna as she was not willing to fork more money. House Tyrell's relationship with House Hightower and The Citadel would deteriorate after demanding to get the books for Edward, and she thought that was enough price.

"For Lady Olenna, I will only free five thousand men for the books. Anymore, you would have to pay for them." Said Edward with a calm voice. Yeah, he was the one giving in this time as The Citadel's books were more important. He might even find a way to create weapons from the wildfire. The maesters in The Citadel must have studied the wildfire's characteristics before.

Seeing Edward was not going to give in anymore, she could only go with that. The Tyrell would have to live with this humiliation if they wanted to survive. She wondered why Edward did not attack Highgarden and only besieged it. If he did, would not all The Reach fall in his hands? The only way she could think of to get more benefits for the Tyrells to help them get back on their legs was by marrying her future granddaughter to one of Edward's sons. It would be better if she married her granddaughter to Edward's heir, and her granddaughter would be the queen by then.

"What about the lands and castles you took from The Reach? Can we pay for them as well?" Asked Olenna, giving herself some hope. The Reach got divided and weakened a lot at the moment. And their only way to reach King's Landing was to pass through the new kingdom. That would mean they would have to pay more taxes to travel.

"Did not you hear the saying that said 'What is taken by force, never returned nor replaced.'. So sorry for that, but These castles and towns would be a part of Stormsland now." Said Edward with a calm voice. Of course, Edward would never accept to return the lands to The Reach, or he would be an idiot if he did something like that. And Edward would be remembered in history as 'The fool king.'.

"But you could take the lords who want to follow you if you want. As for their wealth, I had already taken the wealth of those who fought against us." Said Edward with a smile. He did not want those fellows. Edward had already killed their previous lords, but their descendants would bear a grudge against Edward and his sons. He could not kill them right now as he was trying to annex all the lands he took and did not want the new lords to fear him more than they already did.

"No, you can keep those useless bunch." Said Olenna as she thought that The Reach would not benefit from them. They would be a burden instead as they would need resources to build a new home for themselves. Plus, the other lords would not allow them to take parts of their territories.

After discussing for some more time, Lady Olenna left after getting some more benefits for her house. She suggested a marriage between one of her future granddaughters with one of Edward's sons, and Edward told her that he would think about it. In fact, after hearing her words, Edward wanted to laugh out loud. He always liked people who were shameless enough in order to help their families. Tywin and Olenna were such people. They would discard everything for an alliance with another great house if they thought this alliance would benefit the family.

At the moment, he almost secured three of his sons' marriages. A Targaryen girl for his Raymont. A Lannister for another son. At the moment, he also secured a Tyrell. Edward only needed his sons to get born as he needed to know which kingdom he would need to secure another marriage with them. Edward's next plan was The North. He wanted a daughter for The Vale. As for Riverland and Iron islands, Edward planned to kill the Tullys and Greyjoys.

His plan for Dorne would depend if he had another child. If Edward had another daughter, he would wed her to Doran's son. But if he had no more children, Edward planned to wipe out the Martels and take Dorne for himself.

A month later in King's Landing, Ned, who had left Stormsland not long ago, arrived at the city for Robert's coronation. He carried Jon with him as he moved in the streets of King's Landing in the Red Keep's direction, followed by Howland Reed. It did not take them long before both of them arrived at the Red Keep, where the coronation of King Robert I would take place.

When they entered the hall, they found almost all Westeros's except Stormsland and Dorne's lords. Stormsland's lords did not come because Stormsland would turn into the new kingdom of the storms. As for Dorne, they did not come because of what happened to Elia Martel.

After the coronation, Ned did not stay in King's Landing and took his way to Riverrun, where he left his wife. After taking her, he would return to The North.

A month after the coronation, Daenerys Targaryen was born, and Edward's fleets took the island after sending Daenerys and her brother to Bravos on a ship. Stannis got the lands that Edward promised to give to him.

Three months later, It was finally time for Edward's coronation. All the lords of Stormsland and some lords of Westeros came to Storm's End to witness the birth of the first Stormking.

When Edward entered the hall, everyone started to kneel. To his right, Ashara walked there in a beautiful dress that suited her as the Stormqueen. Raymont and Cassana, who carried Axil, followed them. Stannis followed behind the group as he was also a prince in the new kingdom.

When Edward sat on his new throne, the speaker started to announce his title.

"You stand in the presence of Edward of House Baratheon, the first of his name, the descendent of the old Stormkings, King of the Storms and Marches, Protector of the storms, the mighty stag, the schemer, the creator of the tomb of thousand." Said the speaker to announce all Edward's titles.


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