
Chapter 59: Eye-catching rewards and receiving the guests

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's chapter. I have edited the first 28 chapters yesterday. I hope they were to your liking. I will edit the rest in two days.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.

Thanks, Patrick Wishart for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, NamelessPeng for becoming my Pàtreon.

You could read up to 15 more advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


For the mass release, if we reach 50 pàtreons, I will upload 5 more chapters.



"I heard everyone's suggestions. We would have a gold dragon prize for the winner of the five categories, except the Joust. The winner of the Joust competition will have fifty thousand gold dragons. Plus, a dagger from Valerian Steel and the crown of eternal love that I made not long ago." Said Edward in one voice, getting a surprised and shocked look from everyone present.

Not to mention the number of gold dragons, the Valerian Steel dagger would be a high-end prize that would give anyone the shock of his life. Even for them, They started having thoughts and getting greedy after hearing about such a reward.

During the past year, The Shadow Legion was able to kill a master in Volantis. When they searched for anything valuable in his residence, they were able to find this dagger. Edward was shocked and ecstatic after hearing about this news.

Edward even began to have thoughts about the masters of those free cities. Since The dragonlords that survived from the Old Valyria had lived in those free cities, it meant that these cities had some secrets from the old Valyria. And after finding this dagger, Edward wondered why the other lords of Westeros did not think of this idea. Maybe they did not try to kill any of those masters to find about this information.

As for the crown of eternal love, It was something that everyone had heard about. They heard about Edward's weird hobby, as Edward liked to collect all kinds of gems and precious ore and used them to make this crown. The merchant would bring Edward different types of jewels and valuable ores, and Edward would buy them all.

Actually, Edward was building this crown for the moment he became the king. He would then use this crown as the token of his victory. But after meeting Ashara, Edward decided to modify it a little and present it to her. He could make another crown for himself in the future.

Edward used many gems and much gold to make this crown. People said that the value of this crown was equal to building a whole city. That was the reason that made everyone in the hall surprised by what Edward said, except for Ashara and Allyria, as they did not know anything about it.

"Don't worry. I intend to participate in this tourney myself, as I wanted to present the crown to Ashara as a gift for our wedding. So, send the word of our wedding ceremonies to every lord in Westeros to invite them." Said Edward with a calm voice. He was sure of his victory. No one was going to take anything from him. He would earn the gold that he would spend during the tournament.

Everyone had a knowing look on their faces; no wonder the rewards are so valuable. Edward did not intend to give them to anyone in the first place. The lords looked a little displeased as Edward made a fool of them. They thought they had a chance, but Edward crushed it before they could even think.

After discussing the matter for some more time, Edward ended the meeting. Everyone had a lot to prepare. He, himself, needed to prepare many things for this tournament. He had to supervise the preparations for this tournament and make sure that they had the food and the place. Although this was the Steward's job, Edward did not want anything to go wrong with this tournament.

Edward also had to train a lot. He feared that his body had become a little rusty because he did not have a good fight for some time. Edward planned to commit himself to his hell training. He wanted to be in his best form when the tournament began.

Edward also had to accompany Ashara. He wanted to use these two months to deepen their relationship. That was why besides his training, he had to spend some time with her.

Two months flew by like the wind. The tournament of Storm's End was finally about to begin.

During the last two months, Edward spent most of his time only training. If not, he would be with Ashara. Edward was finally able to reach a new level in his relationship with Ashara. She even agreed to change her name to Ashara Baratheon after their wedding directly. Although Edward did not have sex with her, the two of them became very close. Edward wanted to do her during the bedding ceremony during the wedding ceremonies.

Edward let his mother and brother take care of everything. They only came to him when Stormsland's new perfume was about to get to the market or when the preparations were complete. They only wanted him to check if everything was ok.

After that, Edward returned to his usual routine. It was only until the first guest had come that he came out of his isolation.

Edward had been receiving guests for the past half month. The guests were here for the tournament or for attending the wedding.

Edward had already spread the news about the tourney and its rewards. Stormsland had received a large increase in Smallfolk, merchants, and many foreign guests from the free cities who came to watch or participate in the tournament.

Besides the lords of Stormsland, who Edward ordered to come or send a representative, many Lords and knights decided to attend this tournament.

Lord Jon Arryn was the first to come. He brought Robert and Ned with him. Yohn Royce and some knights of the vale were also with him.

Lord Arryn was one of the four good friends of Steffon. In fact, if not for Aerys Targaryen, Edward would say that Jon was the closest to Steffon.

When Jon heard that Edward held this tourney to honor Steffon's memory, he did not hesitate and at once took Robert and Ned with him. He arrived a month earlier than the time for the tourney.

Lord Rickard Stark was the second to come. He was also one of the closest friends to Steffon, so he decided to attend this tourney, personally, although it had been a while since he had joined any tourney.

Lord Stark brought with him his son, Brandon, and his daughter, Lyanna. He left his wife, Lyarra, and his youngest son, Benjen, to take care of Winterfell.

From Dorne, Edward welcomed Obyren Martell. Elia did not come. The poor woman had a weak body, plus she still had a wedding to prepare for in six months.

Edward also welcomed Mace Tyrell from the Reach. He came alone as Lady Olenna Tyrell did not accompany him. Edward wished that she came as Edward always admired her. She had a grand political view, and if he could convince her to join his side, he would not have to attack the Reach. He would have an easier way to marry one of his sons to her granddaughter by then.

But he knew how Mace was an idiot. The man would still join the crown and fight against him.

Although Edward wanted the Reach to join his side, he knew that they could not be trusted. He also thought that him controlling a part of the Reach was a better option, at least for now.

Edward also welcomed his in-laws, the Daynes. He gave them a grand welcome as he did not want to embarrass Ashara.

Other lords from the North, the Vale, the Riverland, Dorne, and Crownlands joined the fun. It was the largest gathering of lords in all the history of Westeros.

Only the Lannisters did not attend. Edward knew that Tywin was not that pity. The man might just have thought that there were no benefits for him to attend such a meeting. Even if it is beneficial to him, Tywin will not sit with Edward. He would, at most, send a representative.

Edward predicted that only Jaimie Lannister might come with Lord Sumner Crakehall as he was the man's squire. But Edward threw this thought to the back of his mind. Why would he care that much about House Lannister? Was he in love with Tywin or something?

But Edward was surprised the next day. As he was planning to receive prince Rhaegar, who announced that he would participate in the tourney himself, he saw a scene that shocked him.

Edward saw Tywin fucking Lannister riding on his horse beside the prince. Edward was greatly surprised by this. He did not think that Tywin would come himself, not to mention with Rhaegar


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