

Zeph finally reached the city and was awestruck at the sheer size of the city. The whole city was sitting majestically on the foot of the mountain and bordered by the giant city walls which provide safe enclosure to the whole city.

The city is mainly divided into the outer circle where ordinary resident and merchants dwell whereas inner circle where truly rich clan which controls city government reside.

Most shops, guild bases, public places are situated in an outer circle because no one can casually enter the inner city only through strict checking and identification.

There was a long line of people waiting outside city gates to enter the city. Only those who pay city tax are allowed to enter the city which is two silver coins.

Zeph waited for his turn and after submitting money he was allowed to enter city.No other questions were asked, mainly if you can pay the money you can enter the city although only outside Gephyr.

Zeph was overwhelmed by the huge number of people traveling through the streets.

Grandpa said right real hustle bustle is only in truly vast cities thought Zeph as he moved between the people.

Suddenly he grabbed the hand that was going for his shirt pocket, He saw that hand belonged to a thin girl in quite good clothes.

He was so astonished by the fact that a decent-looking girl can be a thief in the city that he forgot to speak. Girl watching her chance shrieked loudly, "molester .....leave my hand "Zeph was utterly surprised by the change of events.

He noticed a crowd quickly shifted around them and many men and women began angrily rebuke him.

"you molesting the girl in public, don't have shame"

"How dare you? don't you fear public?"

"Teach this bastard lesson"

While the public was getting angry, the girl quickly slipped out of the crowd showing her experience at getting out of such a situation.

Zeph was dumbfounded but he knew about his expertise in social communication. He did not bother to defend himself but started running to escape from the crowd. Seeing him running crowd began to follow him but he quickly increased his speed to the limit and vanished from the scene.

The crowd soon disintegrated after not finding him anymore among them. But before that, they didn't forget to comment about lacking moral values in society.

Zeph understood the principal location of the city by evening. The market was on the west side with goods ranging from the smallest brush to antique manuals.

There are many guilds available for warriors to complete missions. Some are local ones while others are parts of guild family famous across four nations. All these warrior-related guild bases are present in the north position of the outer city. All warriors are concentrated on the north and west side of the city other parts are left for commoners.

Zeph decided to join as a mercenary in one of the guilds because his stash of money was not going to work forever. He decided to have a look at them tomorrow because he had a feeling that today's night will be the day of pain relapse.

So he should spend that time meditating in the room. He booked a room in a random inn and began his meditation for the night.

The next day Zeph went on to the north side of the city to look for a suitable guild for him.

I waited for the entire night but the pain seizure didn't happen, darn it is quite unpredictable. He found a breakfast shop and ordered bread toast for him.

He decided to gather information about major guilds but he has to look for a reliable source that may be an experienced warrior would be best. He began to look around the shop and found a three-man team at back off shop he walked towards them to ask them for same.

"Hey friends, can I sit here? "

Three of them watched curiously towards the newcomer. He had an average face with long black hair wearing a katana on his waist, a warrior for sure.

"Yes of course you can sit here"

"My name is Erin, this one with black hair is Robert and bald one is Huge." replied the man with a cap on his head.

" How can we help you, my friend?"

Zeph found them with good-natured guys so he didn't dilly dally and directly asked them about various guild information.

"Oh, so you are a new warrior", 

they all visibly relaxed as they found about his rank because there are no visible signs to tell whether one has high chakra level than yours in lower stages.

"see if you want to perform well in a team and want to make it as a future career you should surely join Deva guild.

They are a supreme guild in four nations so their entry test is quite hard but if you can join, you will have a good salary.

You can also get sufficient freedom from them if you serve in a border area. Four nations have granted them the responsibility of quite a large area in borders which is their biggest achievement.

"Rose guild is similarly large guild but only female warriors so Let's leave them but don't agonize their members as they have quite a unity."

"Fang guild is a local guild with fame in Nation Drake and Uncia, they are still expanding to other nations.

They want to compete with top guilds so they took active participation in all missions, if you want relaxed life that guild is big 'No' they even forcefully deploy their members."

Zeph after thinking replied that he wants sufficient freedom and does not want to take active participation in Guild missions.

"So you want to maintain your autonomy, you can then join mercenary corporation build jointly by the government of all four nations.

They post missions and interested people can accept if they want.

Even guilds post their mission in mercenary corporation for the assistance of free warriors."

"Thanks for the information friends, I will not disturb you further," Zeph said and moved to another table.

He finished his breakfast quickly and left the shop. Three man team realized after some time that the newcomer didn't even leave his name behind.

Zeph found the Mercenary corporations building easily as it was quite eye-catching in the neighborhood.

He went inside and the first thing he heard was

"Screw you, want to fight? "

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