
The Wishes

Half way up a cliff in Alaska, three figures floated stationary (one of which was entirely frozen in time) while two of them awkwardly stared at each other, one blue and without legs but a ripped upper body, the other equally ripped and with looks similar to Joseph Joestar. These two were Raijin (the protagonist) and a genie who flew out of a broken vase and used Za Waru- I mean he stopped time. They just floated there for a few seconds, after a while of staring at each other in silence, Raijin spoke up,

"So, are you a genie or some type of fucked up smurf?" He asked before enlightenment flashed through his eyes, "OH, I get it, you're my stand! Right? That's awesome! Did I awaken you because my life was in danger, or was my fighting spirit just that strong? Also you have the power to stop time? This means I have a stand like Za Warudo and Star Platinum. I am so lucky!" Raijin started half talking to himself with an excited look and stupid smile on his face.

Meanwhile the genie just stared at him in confusion before he interrupted him.

"I don't know what a stand is mortal, however I do not believe I am one. Now, you have broken me out of my prison and as a reward I will grant you three wishes. However! Be warned now, any and all wishes have consequences and there are things that I am incapable of doing, so choose carefully." The genie told him while putting on an the aura of a serious man.

"Aw, so you're not my stand. Oh well, I guess I can just wish for one. Anyway, I need to know what those restrictions of yours are before I make a wish." Raijin said with a dejected expression, before he remembered that he was still facing a genie.

"That's simple." He said as he held up three flingers, "There are three rules. First, you can not wish for anything that doesn't exist, I can only change things that already exist, so you cant wish for me to make a new type of energy or material unless they are genuine alterations from something that already exists. Second, I can not interfere with fates that are already set in stone, so although I can change the world in a massive way, I can not prevent death or grant immortality, if you wish for those you must obtain them yourself, however I can reincarnate you after you die if you wish. Finally, there are consequences to every wish, I can not grant you power without there being another to balance it out, there can be no yin without yang. Do you understand." He asked while looking at Raijin.

"Okay I get most of it, however, why cant you grant immortality if you can change an entire planets fate?" Raijin asked confused.

"Changing the world is changing the world itself, not the inhabitants, so it is technically not messing with fate. However directly stopping someone from dying when they are supposed to die is not possible. But what happens to you is not decided by fate after death, so I can reincarnate you and you're friend there." He said as he pointed at the women in Raijin's arms.

"Okay what are the consequences for the wishes?" He asked, trying to get as much information as he could before making a wish.

"I cannot tell you that." The genie said while shaking his head.

"Why not?"

"Plot convenience."



Then they just stared at each other again until Raijin spoke,

"Okay will can you at least tell me how the consequence system works?" He asked while trying to rephrase the question.

"I do not know myself, all I know is that when something happens that alters fate indirectly, fate follows suit by changing and adding things in order to balance out whatever the change was. So, whatever happens after your wish is up to fate." He explained before realizing he would rather not exhaust all his power right at this moment just to keep time frozen delay a mortals inevitable death.

"Okay, so have you thought about what wishes you will make?" The genie asked while trying to get the conversation back on topic.

Raijin thought for a moment and said, "Okay, so you can alter anything however much you want so long as there is something to balance it out and it doesn't directly prevent someone's death right?" He asked, to which the genie nodded. "Okay! Great! I can work with this." He said before thinking a moment then saying, "I want you to reincarnate me and my family into the world of Dr. Stone. The only thing different there is the timeline and the stone petrification, which is believed to be nanobots, so well within the realm of science. Can you do that?" He asked, making sure he was right.

"I do not know what Dr. Stone is hold on." He said as he closed his eyes and then opened them after a few minutes, "Yes I can reincarnate you to such a world."

"Great, and for my second wish can you give me the ability to use Hamon and the basic knowledge required to use it?" He asked uncertainly, to which the genie closed his eyes again, then opened them after a few minutes and nodding again.

"Yes, because it is simply an alteration to breathing and the knowledge of how to use it, I can do so." He replied.

"Alright, this is going great! Now finally I want you to remove my physical and mental limitations, this way I can grow without hitting a wall due to my low potential." He asked as his final wish.

"This is all well within my capabilities, however, are you sure you are ready to face the repercussions?" The blue man asked seriously.

"I am ready, although I don't know what they are, I am ready to face them with my new hamon abilities. Also, I think I already have an idea of what fate will do." He replied, also seriously.

Although this may and probably is a bad move on his part, he is aware of that and is ready to fight whatever he creates with all his strength. Even if he is foolish and reckless in his decision making, he is a very skilled fighter and with hamon added into the mix, he believes only nuclear weapons will be able to stop him. Also, he thinks he knows what's coming, which he thinks is simply other people also having the ability to use hamon.

"Very well, it shall be done. Now I will specify the details of your reincarnation and abilities." He said and put his hand on his cheek, as if he was bored.

"For your reincarnation, you will wake up in you're home with you're grandfather and adopted sister one month before the petrification happens, although this will take place in 2038 instead of you're current time, I will change the timeline so that all of your life's events have happened seventeen years later then now. Everyone will also think that they happened at those times, with you being the only one who knows the truth. As for when you will awaken from petrification, you will wake up one year before the shows protagonist Senku, your grandfather will awaken three months after you, and your adopted sister will wake up three months after him." He explained for a while before taking a break to breath.

"Why don't you just have us all wake up at once?" Raijin asked, still confused.

"Plot convenience."

"Why do you keep saying that?"

"Because the author cant think of any other way of explaining his plans for the stories timeline." The genie said in frustration as he glared at where the camera would be if this was an anime.

"Anyway, your hamon talent is going to be entirely up to fate, all I will provide you with is hamon and the basic knowledge on how to harness it. Your physical and mental limitations will be lifted as well, however you will only grow as fast as you do now, the speed will not increase or decrease unless something else intervenes."

"Alright, sounds good! I even get a month to prepare, your nice for a genie. I was pretty sure genies were more like the ones where you have to be extremely specific with our wish otherwise they will screw you over using some loophole in the wish, however you're more like the Disney genie, so thank you for that." Raijin said with relief.

"Well yeah, I'm not an asshole like most genies. Also even if I was, it wouldn't matter because of fate messing with the wish anyway, so don't thank me." The genie said with pride in the fact that he isn't a petty scam artist.

"Okay, now that all of that is out of the way, how about you get going to you're new world. I'm starting to feel tired holding time like this for so long." The genie continued as he hurried to reincarnate him.

"Sounds great, lets do it!" Raijin said before he added on, "Oh yeah, can you dull our pain so that we don't have to feel hitting the ground." He said but was to late as the genie had already unfroze time and they were falling.

"What was that last part I couldn't here you?" The genie yelled down at him as he fell.

"Not cool ma-" He started to say before he hit the ground and felt immense pain as he and Asami went splat on the ground.

Everything went dark for a few minutes, before he woke up in his bed and sat up with great speed.

"God damn it that hurt like hell" He said as he rubbed his back and head and thinking how useless those pain tolerance lessons were when they were needed. He would have continued to pity himself, however he heard Asami screaming and quickly got up to go see what happened.


Thanks for reading, please comment if you have any suggestions to help the story improve.
