
Real talk

"I am still uncertain if she is who she says to be. Her class is different from what it should be, but her voice is the same." [Shingi]

Garry nodded but then looked towards Shingi with a surprised look. Finally, Shingi got used enough to using his senses to read the state someone was in.

"How could you know what her voice sounds like?" [Garry]

Shingi brought out of his Spatial Ring the music box that Aneta had gifted them with the recording of their mother singing. He could tell that Garry recognized it.

"I didn't think I would ever see it again. Where did you find it?" [Garry]

"Aneta gifted it to Annoue on her birthday." [Shingi]

Garry got another big sip, and it was clear he was trying to make himself so drunk to pass out.

"You sold it, didn't you?" [Shingi]

"It is none of your business, boy." [Garry]

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