
Chapter Twenty


   Apart from food, one thing I liked was looking good. In Lagos, you can not talk about any good event and forget fashion. In fact, that was the main reason many of us attended any event. Our outfits always speak for us.  And that was why any talented fashion designer was treasured. Christmas period was their season. An average earning fashion designer would be having at least ten orders per week. But on Christmas week, it is way more busier.


   That is why we were always advised to oder at least a month before Christmas; to avoid disappointment. Mama, our queen fashionista had a fashion designer she patronized. Like every older woman, I called her aunty Vanessa.

   In Nigeria, any older woman in any way connect to you or your family was your aunty. Period! That was the rule. As a sign of respect, you must attach 'aunty' to her name.

   I had known aunty Vanessa for years . Since she started sewing, she had been the one sewing for the family; especially mama. Aunty Vanessa was mama goddaughter, so mama made it a point to be her biggest supporter.

   Even at that, aunty Vanessa was a talented fashion designer. She was very diligent and consistent. You would see her efforts in her accomplishments. She was one of the most sort out fashion designer. As at then, she had already had her company with many apprentices under her. She expanded her services from fashion designing to interior designing. The name of her company became a slang. Vanessa style.

   An event was not classy if it was not Vanessa style.

  Mama made sure uncle Joe would be home by the time we were leaving for Vanessa style. She said we needed an extra driver as her family size car could not contain all of us. How many were we again? Me, Ben, Meso, Nosy Ify, mama, mummy Meso, aunty Carol, am I missing anyone? No.

   Wait a minute! I just realized something. Her car could contain all of us. Why then did she force Uncle Joe to leave work early to drive us. Whatever reason, I didn't care anyway.

  Vanessa style was a bit far from ikorodu plus Lagos traffic. So, it had taken a few hours to get there.

  When we got there, I went through the usual routine of greeting. Obviously, we were not the only family there for their fittings. I could not recognize anyone. But mama could recognize half of the people there. Whenever we came across someone mama knew, we had to greet them.

   At a point I got tired of greeting. It felt like we had come to greet people and not check our clothes. I had the mind to return home. But remembering what I went through last time I went out without Mama's permission, I dismissed the idea. I was not sure if I could handle another episode of mama scolding me.

   "Good afternoon, mummy!" Aunty Vanessa finally came out from wherever she was.


   "Afternoon, my dear! Ke kimere?¹ ke maka mummy gi?²" mama wore a smile as she hugged aunty Vanessa.

   "Anyi dinma!³" aunty Vanessa replied before looking at the rest of us. "Mummy Meso! I did not know you have given birth again."

   " I thought you knew that." Mummy Meso replied like she was surprised. I can recognize a fake conversation anywhere, anytime.

   "What is his name?" Aunty Vanessa asked as she made attempt to carry baby Gozie. Baby Gozie that was busy playing with his mum's hair again was upset that someone was taking him away. You can guess what happen next. He started screaming like some sort of banshee.

   I do not know if I was the only one that noticed. For a moment, a tiny moment, aunty Vanessa looked crestfallen by the rejection.

   "Aunty Vanessa, good afternoon!" I greeted cheerfully to diffuse the awkward situation.

  "Kelechi! Is that you? You are looking so grown up!" I smiled in response. Till this very day, I don't understand what response I am supposed to give whenever people make that remark.

  "Aunty, good afternoon!" Meso and ify greeted in unison.


   "How are you?"


   "Fine!" They both said in unison like they have practiced it for years.


   "Who is that?" She asked facing Ben.


  "It's Uchechukwu. My grandson from UK." As mama replied, her chest puffed out in pride. But Ben stood rooted to ground, embarrassed. He did not like it when mama introduced him by his entire name. 'Uche' would have been fair.

  "Good afternoon, ma!" Mama stylishly pinched him before he remembered that he had to greet.

  "How are you, my dear?" Aunty Vanessa smiled at Ben only to receive a nod. "You will have to follow Tunde here, to the men's section. He will show you your outfits. " She made a gesture at a man at our back who nodded at Ben.

  Immediately Ben left, she directed us to her private lounge.  It was a spacious place connected to a few dressing room. She had her staff bring us our outfits.

  About an hour later, when I had tested about five outfits, I was finally free. I saw mummy Meso still busy coordinating Meso, ify and Gozie as they tested their own. So, I decided to do a little tour round the lounge.

   I was checking out the other parts of the lounge, when I overheard them talk.

  "Mama, I don't know what to do. Can you believe she asked me to quit my work?" I could here aunty Vanessa complaining bitterly.


  "Ah! Which Kain rubbish?" Mama exclaimed. " What was her stupid reason?"


  "She said that the stress of working is what was stopping me from conceiving."

  "Don't listen to her! That one is enemy of progress! Have you told your husband? What did he say?"


   "I haven't told him. What if he agrees? I can't use my mouth and bring up that topic. Right now, my work is the only thing bringing me joy."


   "Abi! Just ignore her jare! Some women sef..."


Ke kimere?: It means "how are you doing?" In Igbo.

ke maka mummy gi?; It means "How is your mummy?" In igbo 

Anyi dinma! ; It means "we are fine." In Igbo.


Hello hello 👋 Hope you're doing great? I love talking about little trivial issues many of us face as young adults. I'm sure you must have noticed that. At least a majority of us can relate to the endless greeting we do when we go out with our mom, grandma....

I'll be posting a digital illustration of the main characters on Instagram. Just to show you how they look like. You can follow me on Instagram to see it when I post it. My Instagram username is munamary7. The same goes for YouTube and TikTok.


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